So you just bought a house, your at it for the first time, your legally carrying and two strange folk walk up on your property pointing a guns at you.matriculated wrote:Imagine if the neighbors felt threatened and got a round or two off. We might have another case of a friendly, overzealous neighbor shooting a "suspicious" black guy... D'oh! I need to wrote:Ignorant of the legal particulars, but possibly the neighbors were unaware it was foreclosed.matriculated wrote:My understanding is that this was a foreclosure. If that's the case, would any request by the previous owners still have standing? After all, it's not even their place wrote:The larger point here is what in the world were these neighbors thinking? I mean, holy moly, talk about playing cop, playing Batman, or whatever you want to call it. How is what they did legal? Is it? Why weren't they arrested for running around and holding people at gun point?
Not a lawyer, but if the prior residents/homeowners had asked the neighbors to "look out for the place", they have some authority. Isn't that the law from the Rose case in Pasadena?
EDIT: Actually, even if it wasn't a foreclosure and they just sold it, the question still stands. It's not their place anymore, so how would any requests regarding the property that they made have any standing? They have nothing to do with the house anymore. I assume it's the bank's house. I highly doubt that the bank made any preotection requests with the neighbors.
Not in any form or fashion defending what happened, as at first take I was incensed. After further consideration, strange people next door, breaking into house, etc. I just don't have the first hand scoop.
1. Put your hands in the air and say don't shoot.
2. Retreat for cover and draw your weapon.
3. Retreat for cover draw your weapon and call 911
4. Draw and fire until you perceive no threat. Call 911 and ask for an ambulance.
5. Tell your family to go inside, stand your ground and tell the strangers they are trespassing and to leave.
I think these neighbors are very lucky if they are not later arrested.
This looks country, how would this change if they were long guns? (You could see long guns further off, but you might not be looking)