Phil, are your tranny friends women who think they’re men or men who think they’re women? I’m having some difficulty keeping up with the libtard mentally deranged definitions.philip964 wrote: ↑Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:44 pm 03Lighteningrocks wrote in Mean Streets of Houston the following:
“My issue with Transgenders owning firearms is that they are all suffering from a mental condition know as gender dysphoria. Mentally unstable people should not be allowed to purchase firearms. It is no different than allowing a serial killer or a mentally incapacitated drug addict to purchase firearms. It is th same reason we should not allow a domestic violent child abuser or spousal abuser to own a firearm. They are far more likely to use the weapon to extract violence on the public with a firearm. For the record, the last four "active shooters" were all suffering from gender dysphoria and chose to extract revenge on those they perceive as their enemies. I don't give a good golly darn how much the woke attempt to characterize gender dysphoria as normal human behavior. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason people suffering from this mental condition are attempting to indoctrinate our children as young as 5-6 years old is to make a sickness common enough to justify their own mental instability. If gender dysphoria is a normal human condition, there is no need to indoctrinate children to accept it as an option. These kids are very susceptible to adult cohercian. For christs sake, children believe in Santa Clause, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. Scientist who claim ridiculous theories about it being something that happens in the womb are full of crap. It is a mental condition and accepting it is just as insane and misguided as accepting serial killers and child abusers.”
I personally know two transgender women, they are normal except for this decision they made. They just like anyone else should be able to own and carry guns in Texas. Both pass the eye test and have no face tattoos.
I agree that transgender persons are more likely to commit suicide than non trans people. I have heard up to 50%. Up until a few years ago I believe transgenderism was considered a mental disorder not sure that is the case today.
Individuals who insist they are something they are not are not normal. When it is said they are normal in every way except then they are not normal. They are abnormal.