Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by mojo84 »

If he didn't use a scary looking gun he would have used a scary looking bomb. It's a shame so many are so simple minded to think it's the tool or method that is to blame.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Jusme »

mojo84 wrote:If he didn't use a scary looking gun he would have used a scary looking bomb. It's a shame so many are so simple minded to think it's the tool or method that is to blame.


They don't want to admit that the problem is the criminal/evil component, not the means used to accomplish the goal.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by powerboatr »

funny but unconfirmed.
heard it quick on the radio..
mateen was seen at the pulse club many times and may have been more than scouting a place to kill, but instead looking for "hookups".
i have to try to find if this is real or just blabbber form the survivors and witnesses,

sad note...why do folks go hid in the restrooms?
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by suthdj »

Not sure if this has been covered, but remember that push for the terrorists watch list be added to NICS checks. Here is the way they will push it through.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Jusme »

suthdj wrote:Not sure if this has been covered, but remember that push for the terrorists watch list be added to NICS checks. Here is the way they will push it through.

That's what is sickening to me, the FBI had this guy in their sights twice, his coworkers said he spewed terroristic rhetoric, yet he was never placed on a watch list that has been revealed, and obviously even with his fathers public support of Al Qaeda, no one felt he was a threat, his ex-wife claims he was violent and beat her on a regular basis. But lets try to go after the law abiding gun owners, because they are easier to oppress. :banghead: :banghead:
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Bitter Clinger »

What killed these people was political correctness.

And not just the "gun free zone" alone. That fact that the FBI did not follow through with their investigations (probably because of the directive from the White House not to discriminate) and that fact that while he was reportedly spouting violent hate filled speech at work his employer was reluctant to fire him or report him.

Remember the folks in San Bernadino who were scared to report the bomb making goings on in their neighbor's garage for fear of being labeled predjudiced? ReallY? Wake up America, this is simply the run up to more violence!
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Bolton Strid »

flowrie wrote:Bolton, thanks for the links and the work to look them up!
Thanks much - but I botched the link to the first article under the heading Orlando Terrorist: The Most Gun Control-Compliant Shooter in History? but it's fixed now, article has a lot of detail about his security job status -also added a couple of more article links.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by mojo84 »

Beiruty wrote:I am really shocked and horrified about the mass killing that happened in Orlando, on the hand of violent criminal mind (no need to mention his name).
In this Holy month of Ramadan, the month of worshiping, forgiveness, and generosity, the month of mercy we witness such heinous criminal act. Call it terrorism, call it criminal, call it viscous, call it a savagery. Call it whatever you want, nonetheless, It is un-Islamic act. Such act is nothing but a result of Wahhabi violent ideology justifying targeting innocent civilians.
Innocent Muslims are being killed in thousands on the hands of ISIS, a freaky bunch of international criminals whose sole purpose of existence is to live to kill. ISIS violent-ideology is like cancer, it metastasis all across the globe.
Muslims all around have to rise and fight such Wahhabi-violent ideology of indiscriminate killing for the sake of killing. Condemning it in words is not enough. All the humanity shall rise and fight those who target innocent civilians wherever they are.
Beiruty, since you seem to be our "in-house" expert, I'll ask you this. Have all of the terror attackS that have been perpetrated over the last 30-40 years or so been perpetrated by those that are affiliated with the Wahhabi or Salafi movements? In other words, are the people we westerners refer to as "radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. all Wahhabi/Salafi?

I think it is very important we still down and identify exactly who is our enemy so we can target them specifically.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Bolton Strid »

Adt123 wrote:Just saw the article below on Market Watch website. Many comments that we should be aware of. ... 2016-06-13
Meanwhile, the Smartest Woman in the World© weighs in:

Hillary Clinton responds to Orlando terror attack: "We can't fall into the trap that is set up by the gun lobby"

Uh, huh??? :confused5 - what is she babbling about - that the "gun lobby" supports shooting up night clubs????
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Pariah3j »

powerboatr wrote:
sad note...why do folks go hid in the restrooms?
I heard on the radio that the emergency exits were more or less by the entrance, so they were having to go through him to get out. This is probably why the restrooms.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by vjallen75 »

powerboatr wrote:funny but unconfirmed.
heard it quick on the radio..
mateen was seen at the pulse club many times and may have been more than scouting a place to kill, but instead looking for "hookups".
i have to try to find if this is real or just blabbber form the survivors and witnesses,

sad note...why do folks go hid in the restrooms?
people think it's a safe place unfortunately. Only one way in but sadly only one way out.

Exits were only towards the front from what I've heard.

Edit: Wife just texted me saying his other target could have been Disney World.. another gun free zone.

Sickens me that the cowards attack places where no one can/will defend themselves. :mad5
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Bitter Clinger »

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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Beiruty »

mojo84 wrote:
Beiruty wrote:I am really shocked and horrified about the mass killing that happened in Orlando, on the hand of violent criminal mind (no need to mention his name).
In this Holy month of Ramadan, the month of worshiping, forgiveness, and generosity, the month of mercy we witness such heinous criminal act. Call it terrorism, call it criminal, call it viscous, call it a savagery. Call it whatever you want, nonetheless, It is un-Islamic act. Such act is nothing but a result of Wahhabi violent ideology justifying targeting innocent civilians.
Innocent Muslims are being killed in thousands on the hands of ISIS, a freaky bunch of international criminals whose sole purpose of existence is to live to kill. ISIS violent-ideology is like cancer, it metastasis all across the globe.
Muslims all around have to rise and fight such Wahhabi-violent ideology of indiscriminate killing for the sake of killing. Condemning it in words is not enough. All the humanity shall rise and fight those who target innocent civilians wherever they are.
Beiruty, since you seem to be our "in-house" expert, I'll ask you this. Have all of the terror attackS that have been perpetrated over the last 30-40 years or so been perpetrated by those that are affiliated with the Wahhabi or Salafi movements? In other words, are the people we westerners refer to as "radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. all Wahhabi/Salafi?

I think it is very important we still down and identify exactly who is our enemy so we can target them specifically.
This statement is correct:
"radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. all Wahhabi/Salafi? YES

So called "Islamic Brotherhood" had long history of violence against Egyptian State.
A Shia group (so called Hizbullah) committed violent acts (assassinations, kidnaping, etc) against Lebanese Muslims/Non-Muslims and Western Citizens too.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by Oldgringo »

Well, I'm going to say it with all due respect to whom it is due: there are a gazillion Muslims in the world. Until such time as the moderate, love and peace, Muslims denounce, expose and eliminate the "radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. all Wahhabi/Salafi among their ranks, there will be no love and peace for anyone. The "radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. declared war on everyone else well over a thousand years ago.
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Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub


Post by bblhd672 »

"Registered Democrat" should be the buzzwords coming out of Trump's mouth every time he is asked to make a statement about this horrible crime against humanity.
"The shooter, a registered Democrat, and his father, a registered Democrat, ...."
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