Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You

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Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Jim Beaux »

First is a blog regarding this event & then the video.

I wont speak to the veracity of the blogger, he possibly may have an axe to grind, so keep an open mind.

I do agree with his statement that if the LEO was white & the spitter was black, there would be a national outrage, but we must judge this on the merits - and I think a large percentage of us would react in the same manner as the LEO. It's natural.

Depending on his history, my thoughts are the LEO should not lose his job. He reacted to a repulsive & nasty attack against him.

I think a 10 day suspension is too lenient. He should be punished severely - something along the lines of 45-60 day suspension without pay & loss of accrued comp & vacation time. That could be a fine of around $10-15K Again:dependent on his job history.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Attacking with bodily fluids ought to be an aggravated assault. Saliva can contain all kinds of unsavory organisms......particularly in the mouths of the kind of people who are nuts enough to spit on cops.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by nightmare69 »

You spit on an officer it's a felony 3. Enjoy your 2-10yrs in prison.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Javier730 »

I bet the spitter didn't expect that. Seems like the spitter got a speedy trial and the sentence was carried out immediately. :thumbs2:
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by OldGrumpy »

Guy needs to be fired immediately. No matter how bad her behavior was it in no way justifies his brutality.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Maxwell »

Looks like he hit her twice and it was reactionary. And as someone who knows what type of people and situations Corrections Officer are faced with everyday I think he showed some restraint.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Abraham »

Anyone who spits on anyone else ought to be severely punished...and in this case didn't get as much as deserved.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by VMI77 »

So if one of us not a LEO responded in the same way would we get a pass or be charged with assault? If a woman spits on me can I punch her and not be charged with assault? How about say the police have just arrested some woman and cuffed her....she was drunk and ran into my vehicle...and as she was being led away spit on me....could I punch her without being charged with assault?
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Javier730 »

VMI77 wrote:So if one of us not a LEO responded in the same way would we get a pass or be charged with assault? If a woman spits on me can I punch her and not be charged with assault? How about say the police have just arrested some woman and cuffed her....she was drunk and ran into my vehicle...and as she was being led away spit on me....could I punch her without being charged with assault?
Spitting is assault and you should be able to stop an assault with force but whats legal and whats fair are two different things.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by mojo84 »

That cop/jailer was not acting to stop the assault. He reacted in retaliation and punched a handcuffed woman twice. The other officers acted to stop her assault by covering her head and getting her under control. The cop/jailer lost control out of anger and retaliated. His job requires that he not do that and that he maintains control of himself and his emotions.

I believe he should be punished accordingly. I also cannot definitively say I would not have done different. However, that does not make it right.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Javier730 »

mojo84 wrote:That cop/jailer was not acting to stop the assault. He reacted in retaliation and punched a handcuffed woman twice. The other officers acted to stop her assault by covering her head and getting her under control. The cop/jailer lost control out of anger and retaliated. His job requires that he not do that and that he maintains control of himself and his emotions.

I believe he should be punished accordingly. I also cannot definitively say I would have done different. However, that does not make it right.
:iagree: he should receive a week off with pay.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by VMI77 »

Javier730 wrote:
VMI77 wrote:So if one of us not a LEO responded in the same way would we get a pass or be charged with assault? If a woman spits on me can I punch her and not be charged with assault? How about say the police have just arrested some woman and cuffed her....she was drunk and ran into my vehicle...and as she was being led away spit on me....could I punch her without being charged with assault?
Spitting is assault and you should be able to stop an assault with force but whats legal and whats fair are two different things.
My point is simple. If it would be a crime to punch someone under the same or similar conditions for one of us mundanes, then it should be a crime when a LEO does it too. The punishment should be the same, although I think one could make a pretty good argument that a trained law enforcement officer with the power to arrest people should have more restraint than Joe Sixpack, and thus, should be punished more severely.

Now, if it's not going to be a crime for one of us mundanes, and you want to make the case that punching someone with their hands restrained by cuffs, plastic ties, rope, etc., is a justified response to being spat on, then let the punching begin. However, while I understand the inclination, at least when said person is not in restraints, I don't think it's a particularly good idea....I just prefer not to have a country with a class of overlords who get to dispense violence and a class of peons who may only have it dispensed upon them. IOW, I think everyone should be accountable for their behavior, not just us peons.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by mojo84 »

Javier730 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:That cop/jailer was not acting to stop the assault. He reacted in retaliation and punched a handcuffed woman twice. The other officers acted to stop her assault by covering her head and getting her under control. The cop/jailer lost control out of anger and retaliated. His job requires that he not do that and that he maintains control of himself and his emotions.

I believe he should be punished accordingly. I also cannot definitively say I would have done different. However, that does not make it right.
:iagree: he should receive a week off with pay.
I don't consider a week off with pay punishment. Sounds more like vacation to me. Yeah, I know it goes in his personnel file but if he doesn't get in further trouble, the end result is a week of paid vacation.
Last edited by mojo84 on Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spit on a LEO & You Get the Slobber Knocked Out of You


Post by Blindref757 »

mojo84 wrote:I don't consider a week of with pay as punishment. Sounds more like vacation to me. Yeah, I know it goes in his personnel file but if he doesn't get in further trouble, the end result is a week of paid vacation.
I have no problem with it. Consider it social justice.
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