I’ve heard this suggestion before, and I’ve never thought much about it. After all, what difference can I make on my own? Well…a lot, I think. I’m going to try this out in the new year. Free classes for ladies as a start, and maybe I’ll expand past there.Charles Cotton wrote: Over the past 20 years, as a member of the Board of Directors, I’ve seen how different NRA presidents have used their position to advance a variety of worthwhile efforts. Today, I’d like to use that bully pulpit to call on each of you to do your part, individually in your own community, to expand our constituency, to share the Second Amendment’s blessings with a wider audience and, in the process, to save innocent lives.
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Ten years ago, after several women were murdered in the area, Rick began offering free firearm training to women in his community. He did this all on his own, volunteering his time, providing the guns, ammunition and safety equipment and finding ranges to donate access. The first year, Rick hosted 50 women. The next year, attendance doubled. And this past August, Ector’s two-day firearm training event reached 4,000 women.
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So, I urge you: Consider ways your local range or gun club can not just “feed a man a fish for a day”—but also “teach a woman to fish for a lifetime.” Find ways to bring underserved members of your community to your range. Then give them a chance to experience the Second Amendment for themselves. Maybe that means lending a gun with proper supervision in a safe, welcoming, controlled environment at your club. Maybe it means providing free ammunition. Consider becoming an NRA Certified Instructor if you are not one already. Whatever it takes, help them make firearm freedom a part of the fabric of their everyday lives. Welcome them as members of our community of freedom. In so doing, you’ll help restore the right to keep and bear arms as the inborn birthright and lifelong safeguard of free people always
Is this completely altruistic? No, not completely, but mostly so. I’ll teach basic pistol fundamentals, handgun safety, etc., and I’ll do it for free. They’ll get some safe ‘trigger time’ on the range, and they’ll poke a few holes in some paper targets.
Some of these ladies may choose to take the next step and get their LTC - or maybe they won’t. If they chose to select me for their LTC instruction, then I’ll help, and I may recover some of my expense of teaching for free (mainly ammo and range fees), but that’s not really what I’m going for. I think the value of being a good ambassador for the 2nd Amendment is the most important thing.
They may learn some life-saving lessons, and they may consider the 2nd when they evaluate their political leanings. “Take a liberal to the range” is one of the best ways of getting them down the right path, and I will do my part.
That’s my 2022 resolution for the new year. I’ll let. All y’all know how it works out.
Thanks, Charles for reminding us again how important it is to do this.