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A Place to Shoot/Bullet Hole San Antonio Range Meet and Eat

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:07 am
by Originalist
Haven't done this for a while but the last time it was pretty successful (even if we had to drive from The BH to APTS due to a crowd).

What: Range meet and eat
When: May 26, 2012 - 3pm @ range/dinner immediately after at agreed upon location (more options closer to BH then APTS)
Who: San Antonio Area (and whoever else is up for the trip)
Where: General consensus on the Bullet Hole or A Place to Shoot
Why: CHL social get together (or anyone interested in the waiting room)

Looking at coordinating a CHL range meet and eat at one of that ranges above for the last Saturday in May. I won't be back until after the 15th (deployed) hence the far off distant date...

This is open for modification/change based on majority rule (except date)... Thoughts? Comments?

Re: A Place to Shoot/Bullet Hole San Antonio Range Meet and

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:24 pm
by SewTexas
sounds like fun...I'll check the calendar