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Spring Guns & Ammo How's the guys that teach courses there?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:19 pm
by cajunautoxer
So I received an email that they have a daily sale on 2 hr hand gun training course with a sponsored pro shooter. Anyone know if this place is any good on training? I've gotten really rusty so this has peaked my interest

Re: Spring Guns & Ammo How's the guys that teach courses the

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 10:00 am
by Andrew
If it's Aaron Roberts (Tactical Impact & Handguns TV shows) you're good to go. I've attended a Thursday Basic Course that he taught and came away impressed with his ability to teach and the insights he provided into my specific shooting challenges.

Re: Spring Guns & Ammo How's the guys that teach courses the

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 10:22 pm
by Jumping Frog
I've been to the Aaron Rogers Thurs night class the last two weeks and really enjoyed myself.

Re: Spring Guns & Ammo How's the guys that teach courses the

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:29 pm
by big 54r
Aaron Roberts is training in Spring?
Is this serious are is he just there for a cpl classes then he will be gone?
If Aaron Roberts is giving training, even in my broke down condition I want to attend!

whats up is this Aaron Roberts (handguns etc.)
or Aaron Rogers whoever he may be...clarification please.

ETA: did some scroogling and found the info...yep it is Aaron Roberts and looks like he is building precision rifles and providing training classes.
The prices are very competitve also so we know have some more training opportunities here in the Houston area.

Re: Spring Guns & Ammo How's the guys that teach courses the

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:39 pm
by Jumping Frog
big 54r wrote:Aaron Roberts is training in Spring?
Yep, I've been the last three Thursdays now and will be there tomorrow night.

Re: Spring Guns & Ammo How's the guys that teach courses the

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:06 pm
by big 54r
I would love to go to the Thursday night skills class but Spring is way to far for me on a work day...i'm on the coast. :roll:
I'm gonna start hitting up fm2 at best shot on Sunday's.