Range Suggestions, Fort Worth
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:36 pm
Well, I've been back in Texas for some months now after "retiring" from the USAF. My last duty assignment was in California and despite their absolutely TERRIBLE firearm laws, I was lucky enough to live in a small farm town with a decent range nearby. They kept it safe but pretty informal and it wasn't over-crowded during the week (I worked a lot of swing and night shifts)...well, anyway, I'm looking for suggestions on a good range in the Fort Worth area, particularly the northwest side...I have teenagers I want to take to the range, so I'm looking for something family-friendly. I understand safety and the necessity for range rules, but I keep reading horror stories when searching the 'Net about this. Either that the range is TOO lax and unsafe OR that the place is run by (I hate the phrase) "range nazis"...I don't have a lot of spare cash so I can't join a private range and I hear the waiting lists are crazy anyway. Finally, I also have seen that FMJ is pretty much not allowed in this area (even the range in CA didn't have a problem with this, just a nice big berm for a backstop)...I tried to make a search on here, but the info was either spotty, old, or I just stink at searching (very possible). Thank you all in advance.
Well, I've been back in Texas for some months now after "retiring" from the USAF. My last duty assignment was in California and despite their absolutely TERRIBLE firearm laws, I was lucky enough to live in a small farm town with a decent range nearby. They kept it safe but pretty informal and it wasn't over-crowded during the week (I worked a lot of swing and night shifts)...well, anyway, I'm looking for suggestions on a good range in the Fort Worth area, particularly the northwest side...I have teenagers I want to take to the range, so I'm looking for something family-friendly. I understand safety and the necessity for range rules, but I keep reading horror stories when searching the 'Net about this. Either that the range is TOO lax and unsafe OR that the place is run by (I hate the phrase) "range nazis"...I don't have a lot of spare cash so I can't join a private range and I hear the waiting lists are crazy anyway. Finally, I also have seen that FMJ is pretty much not allowed in this area (even the range in CA didn't have a problem with this, just a nice big berm for a backstop)...I tried to make a search on here, but the info was either spotty, old, or I just stink at searching (very possible). Thank you all in advance.