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Range report -- Marksman 08/30/2010

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:22 pm
by Kevinf2349
It has been about a month or so since we (my good lady and I) went to the range (due mainly to family breavement) so we decided to head off to the range today.

We were torn between trying The Arms Room or going to Marksman. We decide to visit Marksman again.

The range was fairly busy but we got two lanes right off the bat. The range is looking decidedly in need of a bit of roof repair! Water was dripping in from the little rain that fell. That doesn't bode well for anything tropical arriving anytime soon.

Anyway...we gave four of the girls a run out...The Bersa Thunder CC, Glock 19, Glock 30 and Spingfield XD9 all got to participate in the fun.

The Bersa ran flawlessly again! Ever since the short vacation it took to Colorado Gun Works it has performed to perfection. :thumbs2: It is a great looking gun and now it is rebuilding the confidence level it is going to be a good backup pistol to the G30.

The Glocks and Springfield were reilable and accurate once again. No issues. There was a South Houston LED there that we think was giving someone a shooting test and they were shooting from the hip, which was a little bit of a surprise.

All told we shot about 250 rounds through the guns and not a single jam, FTF or FTE. :thumbs2:

In summary it was a good trip but I am a little concerned at the state of the roof. Hopefully that will be repaired before too long. Next up...The Arms Room and then probably going to join PSC.


Re: Range report -- Marksman 08/30/2010

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:25 pm
by USA1
Kevinf2349 wrote: The range is looking decidedly in need of a bit of roof repair!
Been missing the target again huh ? :evil2: ..JK

Good to hear about the Bersa. ;-)

Re: Range report -- Marksman 08/30/2010

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:03 pm
by Kevinf2349
:totap: :nono:

Can't be me, I always shoot first and then call whenever I hit the target. :lol:

It does make me wonder though if the roof leaks because of people hitting it or if it is just an old roof. I think I saw it leaking in the shop too so I suspect it is just in need of a new roof.

I am pretty pleased with how the Bersa is running these days, after all the trouble I had with that gun it is good to see it perform so well.


Re: Range report -- Marksman 08/30/2010

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:22 pm
by bnc
I shot at The Arms Room a couple of weeks ago and was impressed, never been to Marksman but the reports are all positive.