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A place to shoot?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:32 am
by John 242 B
Any decent places to shoot pistol or rifles around the Fort Hood or Killeen area?
I want to take my kids shooting, but doing so on post requires that they have a hunters safety certificate or NRA gun safety certificate. However there are no range fees. Yes, I mean shooting on post is free (except for ammo, targets, etc.)
There is a range somewhere nearbye, but they charge $10 per shooter. For the wife, two kids, myself, plus ammo, thats quite a bit of cash to spend.
Take care.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:18 am
by Greybeard
It sounds like a hunter ed. class for the whole family would be a good investment for your next extra $40.

While the number of classes offered this time of year is getting pretty thin, there are still a few showing on Texas Park's and Wildlife's web site. Some classes are typically just $10 per person (although we can't do them quite that cheap at our place).

Relatively new "Home Study" option makes it semi-painless. Classes in Austin may be your best bet this time of year.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:24 pm
by John 242 B
The wife and I got our hunters safety cedrtificate a year or so ago.
I am not sure if our 10 year old daughter would be able to grasp the material. Also have a 8 year old daughter, and a 6 year old son. I would like to get all the kids involved in shooting sports. Do you think they would be able to pass the test in order to get their certificate? And if not, is there any NRA safety classes availible in our local area? How would I find such a class?
Again, thanks alot.
Take care.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 10:57 pm
by dolanp
I have a range near my house but unforunately it costs $12 every time so I can't really go too often. My wife is quite the penny-pincher. :lol:

I need to find some folks with some land around here who just want to shoot for fun with me.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 8:05 pm
by TraCoun
John 242 B wrote:Thanks,
The wife and I got our hunters safety cedrtificate a year or so ago.
I am not sure if our 10 year old daughter would be able to grasp the material. Also have a 8 year old daughter, and a 6 year old son. I would like to get all the kids involved in shooting sports. Do you think they would be able to pass the test in order to get their certificate? And if not, is there any NRA safety classes availible in our local area? How would I find such a class?
Again, thanks alot.
Take care.

For an NRA class find an NRA Instructor or Training Counselor in the area. You might go to the NRA website, scroll down to Training, and see if you can find a class or an Instructor or TC in your area. I'd be glad to help (I'm a TC), but I'm a bit far from your area, it looks like.


Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:46 pm
by Greybeard
John - Sorry, I've not been back to this thread until now. As others suggested, an NRA class probably your best bet - due primarily to age(s). "First Steps" orientations take rougly 3 to 4 hours and a certificate is isssued (for having training on a specific firearm).

T.P. & W. regs. say kids must be at least 12 for certification. Altho I've had parents who have done some research on out-of-state regs. and had younger kids take the class anyway for "temporary certificate", which has apparently been acceptable for hunting license in other some states ...

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:47 am
by ForbidInjustice
Old thread, new response. I shoot on Fort Hood at PK Range.. guns just have to be registered with the Provost Marshal's office. I only shoot pistols, so I don't know about the safety certificates.. but you don't have to have one to shoot pistols.

Maybe the rules have changed since you posted that thread..

I don't mind the strict rules though.. PK Range is free!