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Beaumont Area Range - Where to Shoot?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:34 pm
by anygunanywhere
I am working in the Beaumont area and am jonesin' for some range time. I packed the truck up with some toys including a new Kimber Ultra Carry II and headed off to Legers last Sunday and it was closed. Seems as if they are closed Sun, Mon, Tue during the "off season". I guess folks from the golden triangle do not shoot unless it is deer season.

Found the "1 in 100" gun club in Lumberton. It seems to be shotguns only for the skeet/clays crowd. I did have my Winchester 1300 black shotgun but I doubt if I would have done any good against all of the mega buck over/under twice barrel shootguns.

Where can I go to shoot in Jefferson county area??? Rumor has it there are some private clubs.

Please help. I need a fix.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:25 pm
by MoJo
PM sent.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 5:35 pm
by Venus Pax
The Golden Triangle Gun Club on Erie Street is out there.
I think that's the name of it, but I'm not sure. Dad has been a member there since I can remember. He just called it the "rah-ful range."
(You can, however, shoot pistols out there too.)

From most of Beaumont, take the Eastex Frwy like you're going to Nederland/Port Arthur. Take the Florida Street exit. Look for Erie Street and make a right hand turn. Keep going down Erie street. When the street becomes a Y, take the right hand part of the Y, & you'll travel along a ditch to the gate.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:57 am
by Diode
I was going to suggest anywhere you want in Port Authur.... Just kidding, heck we used to shoot in the back yard in Nederland. Of course that was 30 years ago. :shock:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:13 am
by anygunanywhere
I delivered my app to the range last weekend. I have not heard from anyone. If the check has cleared I will contact them to see when I can go shoot.

Thanks for the assistance, gents.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:22 pm
by anygunanywhere
I received my card last week. Mrs. Anygun was keeping it for me in a safe place.

Myself and Papalote are headed to Canada for a few weeks. :cry: Have to pay the bills. When we return we will go to GTGC and shoot. :fire

That is if it doesn't wash away.


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:33 pm
by glock75
Several have posted looking for ranges in the Beaumont area. There are no public or private indoor ranges that I am aware of outside of law enforcment ranges (closed to the public). However, there are several outdoor ranges available:

Golden Triangle Gun Club in Beaumont is a private club requiring membership. Check the website for details on joining at

Southeast Texas Sportsman Club in Orange is also private but has day rates available. See their website for more info at

One in One Hundred in Lumberton is private but also has a day rate for non-members. Their primary focus is skeet, trap and sporting clays but also offer a pistol and rifle range (somewhat primitive).

Orange Gun Club in Orange (1-409-745-0468). I am not sure if private or public. Check their website at for more info.

Leger's Shooting range on US 90 in just west of Beaumont is public. Call first to make sure that they are open at 409-866-0871