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Dallas Pistol Club - Waiting List?
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:03 pm
by aggiedave05
Hey - Curious since so many posters on here shoot actively and certain some are members there. I held off becoming a member at Dallas Pistol and in the meantime they maxed out their membership limits. After a short period they have had a waiting list for more than a month. Is anyone in the know with regard to if limits will be increased? If the waiting list is so large you should just forget it? Or worst case when there may be open spots again (after renewal deadline?)
Thanks so much.
Re: Dallas Pistol Club - Waiting List?
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:35 pm
by tomc
All memberships come due at the end of February, so once we hit our max, there won't be any openings until next Feb or until we raise the cap limit. This last year we have seen new members join at least three to four times the normal rate. We capped out to our max in June for the first time in our history.
The board decided to keep the cap at 500 members for now and re-visit the issue in December to see how many are waiting and to study the range utilization. Our dilemma is that we want to get more people to join to support the shooting sports, however, we don't want to jeopardize the range usage not being available for our existing members. We'll see how things stack up in December when we re-visit he issue.
You can always come out and shoot our matches as a non-member.
Re: Dallas Pistol Club - Waiting List?
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:03 am
by joseywales
aggiedave05 wrote:...If the waiting list is so large you should just forget it?...
No harm in getting your name on the wait-list (not sure how long it is) - at least then you'll have a choice to join/not join next spring.
tomc brings up a great point - come out to shoot in some of the matches - usually 100-125 rounds of enjoyable fun with like minded folks.