(allows fmj! great for surplus rifles! only place in dfw I can find to let me shoot my fmj if it is magnetic. see website for details).
5 - 200 yard rifle ranges! (Closet 200 yard ranges to Dallas Fort Worth)
20 - 100 yard rifle ranges
8 - 50 yard rifle ranges
Many 7 yard pistol ranges
Many 15 or 25 (not sure) yard pistol ranges
No Shotguns (go to Garland Gun Range)
Yahoo! Maps, Driving Directions, and Traffic ... 16&q1=1712 Lawson Road, Mesquite, TX 75181&gid1=18688038
Google Maps ... =UTF8&z=14
Open 6 Days a Week - 10am to 5:30pm
Open Tuesday through Sunday CLOSED MONDAYS!
$6 Membership Fee (one time)
$10.83 Range Fee (each time)
FMJ rifle ammo allowed! Email your friends this website address:
This is the only range I have been able to find near me that allows Full Metal Jacket rifle ammo.
Indoor rifle ranges (like Targetmaster and BulletTrap) allow FMJ but NOT if it is magnetic (like most military surplus ammo). They will test your ammo with a magnet before you shoot. Targetmaster is 50 yds and Bullettrap is 25 yds with two lanes.
Outdoor rifle ranges (like Garland Gun Range) only allow soft tip or hollow point.
Gibson's Outpost allows Full Metal Jacket rifle ammo so I can shoot my military surplus rifles long range without paying $20 for 20 rounds.