Fire at DFW Gun Range?

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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by CEOofEVIL »

Thank goodness no one was injured.

Perfect example of why some indoor ranges are absolutely strict about checking ammo. People do dumb things, or think there is some kind of sinister or unfair rule that doesn't apply to them.

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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by KRM45 »

Excaliber wrote:
Dragonfighter wrote:
KRM45 wrote:Didn't this same place burn a few years back?
Just did a records check back through January 2010 and got no hits on it.
The roof over the pistol range and a wall collapsed back in 2006. The incident closed the facility for quite a while.
That's it. For some reason I was thinking it burned. I guess I confused it with the Bass Pro range fire.

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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by knotquiteawake »

What an idiot. Shooting tracers into a tire backstop?

As if lines weren't long enough at all the local gun ranges already. Also, we're expecting heavy rains and winds tomorrow... So all those customers who had to leave their gear and guns behind should probably assume they'll never see them again.
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by jmra »

Very sad news. This is the first gun range my wife shot at. Rented several guns to determine what she was going to purchase as her EDC.
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by MadMonkey »

Shot my first full-auto weapons and also had my initial CHL class and qualification there. Sad... it's a nice place.

I live less than 10 minutes from Shoot Smart now though :biggrinjester:
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by C-dub »

knotquiteawake wrote:What an idiot. Shooting tracers into a tire backstop?

As if lines weren't long enough at all the local gun ranges already. Also, we're expecting heavy rains and winds tomorrow... So all those customers who had to leave their gear and guns behind should probably assume they'll never see them again.
You're not kidding about the lines. Where is everyone finding ammo to shoot? I guess we're not the only ones stock piling. BIL and I went yesterday and wanted to get there 15 minutes before the Eagle Range opened in Lewisville. The line was about 40 people long. The wait wasn't too bad, though, and we only waited about 20 minutes.

I wouldn't have left any of my guns behind. The ammo, no big deal, but I'm grabbing my guns and don't care if they are openly carried in that situation.
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by Keith B »

knotquiteawake wrote:What an idiot. Shooting tracers into a tire backstop?

As if lines weren't long enough at all the local gun ranges already. Also, we're expecting heavy rains and winds tomorrow... So all those customers who had to leave their gear and guns behind should probably assume they'll never see them again.
The rain will be nothing compared to the water already put on by the FD.
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by bulinm »

We really don't need this now. Always enjoyed shooting there, and feel bad for the owners. I hope they go after this guy for
damages. What a maroon.

What's a dazzling urbanite like you doin' in a rustic setting like this ?

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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by knotquiteawake »

C-dub wrote:
knotquiteawake wrote:What an idiot. Shooting tracers into a tire backstop?

As if lines weren't long enough at all the local gun ranges already. Also, we're expecting heavy rains and winds tomorrow... So all those customers who had to leave their gear and guns behind should probably assume they'll never see them again.
You're not kidding about the lines. Where is everyone finding ammo to shoot? I guess we're not the only ones stock piling. BIL and I went yesterday and wanted to get there 15 minutes before the Eagle Range opened in Lewisville. The line was about 40 people long. The wait wasn't too bad, though, and we only waited about 20 minutes.

I wouldn't have left any of my guns behind. The ammo, no big deal, but I'm grabbing my guns and don't care if they are openly carried in that situation.
I can't fathom leaving my guns behind either but one of the guys interviewed on the news mentioned he left so quickly that his guns are still in there. The news reported late last night about there being bulldozers already in place to begin demolition? Seems strange, they're not going to try and pick through and salvage what firearms they can find?

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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by QB »

I just renewed by Annual Membership in December ($350) so I guess now I have to find out about what they are going to do about refund I hope??? I was scheduled to go shoot Sunday and something else came up.......wowzee!!! Part of my membership was shooting a full auto for my birthday....and two transfer fees (incoming) which I was going to use in April.......bummer.

Took bad about that range, I liked the guys there. It's like that building is jinxed!!!!

I don't want to bug them right now but if anyone knows how annual members are to proceed I'd appreciate it if you'd share the info.

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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by Lonest4r »

I took my CHL class there and purchased my first handgun from them also, hopefully this guy will be held liable for his foolish actions. I imagine that this will develop into a huge paperwork and insurance mess that may take years to sort through for both the range and those who lost guns in the fire. I'm glad that no lives were lost in the ordeal.
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by OldGrumpy »

Lonest4r wrote:I took my CHL class there and purchased my first handgun from them also, hopefully this guy will be held liable for his foolish actions. I imagine that this will develop into a huge paperwork and insurance mess that may take years to sort through for both the range and those who lost guns in the fire. I'm glad that no lives were lost in the ordeal.

May turn out that over 5,000 people lost guns there Sunday when all the insurance claims are in! :anamatedbanana
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?


Post by sjfcontrol »

OldGrumpy wrote:
Lonest4r wrote:I took my CHL class there and purchased my first handgun from them also, hopefully this guy will be held liable for his foolish actions. I imagine that this will develop into a huge paperwork and insurance mess that may take years to sort through for both the range and those who lost guns in the fire. I'm glad that no lives were lost in the ordeal.

May turn out that over 5,000 people lost guns there Sunday when all the insurance claims are in! :anamatedbanana
Well, that sounds like a better story than losing them in a boating accident! :biggrinjester:
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Re: Fire at DFW Gun Range?



My wife and I have enjoyed the range and she goes with a female friend of hers on Tuesday's for ladies night, really fortunate that nobody was injured but now due to a moron we have a good range gone (atleast for now)

I hope no one on this board is stupid enough to shoot a tracer round at a rubber backstop.
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