GeezerGas wrote:Another big thumbs up for The Arms Room.
My wife (the closet Socialist of all people

) had an incident a few months ago that convinced her she wanted a handgun for HD. I agreed on the condition that we would BOTH get one and get trained. I'm being the "fleet leader" and checking out locations and weapons. On the advice of this thread, checked out TAR (15 minutes from our home), let them sell me a SIG P229 (on friend's recommendation) and took two hours of instruction. Great experience, good intro to the range. Went back two days later on my own and put about 300 rounds through the paper. I plan to head there about twice a week for awhile.
Range has 15 lanes, RSO was attentive but discreet. Comfortable setup. Recommended for newbies like me. Wife and I are talking about getting CHLs. If so, we'll do it there.
From one "Geezer" to another let me say welcome to the "club" of folks taking responsibility for their own protection!
I would like to encourage you both to get your CHLs ASAP as it makes life so much easier. If you scan the other topics on this board youll find many instances reported where our local law enforcement officers (LEOs) seem to regard CHL holders as "cousins in arms" or at least certified good guys.
You will probably at some point want to go beyond just the basics of how to make holes near the center of paper targets and consider what to do if confronted by several gang bangers intent on separating you and your wallet, car, TV & etc. For this there is probably nothing better than getting involved with the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA)" onclick=";return false; There is a chapter that meets at the Arms Room weekly that you might want to look into.
If you would rather start out with something a little less competitive than IDPA you might want to visit the Sunday Shooting League at Best Shot Range in Friendswood. The league is primarily focused on learning safe gun handling in critical defensive situations. It meets every Sunday from 5 to 7 P.M. at Best Shot Range and the cost is $15.00 per person for the two hour session. Each session usually starts with 45 minutes to an hour of live fire gun handling drills in normal light or low light conditions, with and without flashlights. Then an hour to hour and a half is spent shooting one or two scenearios involving multiple targets with obsticals that require quick and accurate target identification and shooter movement through or around the obsticals. The emhasis is not on time but on shot placement and personal safety. Only one person at a time shoots a given scenario while the others observe and learn until their turn. There are usually around ten or twelve people attending on any given Sunday.
The experience level of the participants ranges from LEOs and CHL instructors to brand new gun owners like yourselves. Everybody learns from everyone else guided by our very capable instructor. For more info you can PM our instructor, fm2, on this board.
"With atomic weapons, as in many other things, knowing what to do isn't nearly so important as knowing what NOT to do." -- J. Robert Oppenheimer, 1946
Wisdom comes from reading the instructions. Experience comes from not reading them!