Right2Carry wrote:
There is nothing wrong with winchester, just the part of town it's in, lo. You could always join arlington sportsman club which is in mansfield.
There is plenty wrong with Winchester Gallery:
1. Many of the people that shoot there never clean up after themselves, nothing is more annoying than getting a lane and having it full of brass and the used target still hanging!
2. The ventilation system is terrible, specially when the guy in the next lane is firing Wolf ammo - GAG!
3. They wont allow drawing from a holster. This one really drives me crazy
4. Their ammo prices are insane.
5. One particular employee there has the personality of a stuffed and mounted fish & it seems every time I go he is the only one there - so much for having any questions answered!
6. EVERY TIME I go there I can never rent the Desert Eagle because its always broken!
Don't get me wrong, Winchester Galllery does have its good points too, the lack of time limits on the range is very nice, can shoot all day for one fee and Robert Carrier (manager) is a great guy. Gotta love the Glock pic signed by R. Lee Ermy too, SEMPER FI!
<steps off rant box>