One of my flying magazines (AOPA Pilot) has a regular monthly column entitled Never Again. In it are stories of close calls for pilots, most of whom...
So I was walking with my fiance and her friend who works at our apartment complex late one night (pitch dark outside). When we made it to the front...
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Glad things worked out ok. Galco just came out with a new holster they are call the Kingtuk. It looks good and the price is not too bad. I have had a...
My next door neighbors car was broken into last night in Grapevine. His car was in his driveway and they threw a brick through his window and grabbed...
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Grapevine is a nice town, but I know from working security there that there is a lot of vehicle break in/theft. (especially around the mall area)
So we loaded the kids up in the minivan today late morning to go to the splash park one of those big concrete slabs with pressurized water spouts in...
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If they say they have, then I am sayin' they forgot - just sayin' :lol:
I now know never take my Xdm 9MM Hole Puncher with me to go buy a suit. I had the lady that worked at this certain store measure me for a blazer and...
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I was fitted at K & G without an issue. The tailor told me that he fits customers who carry regularly.
1) I did a quick search and didn't see anything so forgive me if its a repost
2) I posted here because I think it fits, if it needs to be moved then...
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Bad deal all the way around. I can understand doing your best to get a license number or even discreetly following while on phone with 911, but no...
I was downtown working last Saturday evening and had to park my car in a less than desirable spot but one that i could see from my shop. As the night...
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That's why many big cities have the crime rates they have. If thugs intimidate a productive member of society the authorities in the big city rarely...
Recently a friend’s son (~21yo) stopped in a parking lot to help a woman in distress. Details are still coming in but as far as I know at this point...
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:iagree: with your method of determining what's up and letting the victim come to you. And your wife being able to access the car gun while you stay...
I'm sorry, but I am laughing my rear off at this. The mental picture of a perp running with a lumenok hanging out of a cheek is just too funny not to...
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I was thinking the same thing. (Other than the proficient bow hunter part, I can't hit the broad side of a barn with a bow.) Either this guy is one...
I just got back from fishing in Rockport with my cousin the other day and we pull up to my dad's place at midnight. And standing in front him is some...
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what wasw the BG doing? was he trying to rob your dad or was there an altercation where he pulled a gun?
I've been reading through various stories on here, so I decided that I should give a little piece of my input. I am primarily writing this because I...
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good ol bryan response teams. that is one thing that i dont miss about BCS. I finished up school and drove very quickly, but not over the speed...
It's been a couple months now so I guess I can finally tell this story without feeling too embarrassed...
I had been sleeping soundly when I awoke...
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Thanks for the updates on the 911 service and unconnected landlines. Might be worth $20/month to have a little extra comfort of knowing I could call...
This should be so painfully obvious. But obviously some folks just don't think in condition yellow when it comes to social media (Facebook, Twitter,...
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Yesterday I posted this story on my facebook and today I don't see any of my friends saying they're not at home or out doing whatever. Not sure if it...
At just after 3:00 am my dogs started fussing. They don't do that unless there is a pretty good reason, they are all in their crates in our dog room...
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That is a mental picture that I really didn’t need. :shock: rlol
I went skeet shooting with a friend today. He wanted to finally shoot the new 20 gauge shot gun his dad had got him earlier in the year. I go through...
I had to run over to the nearest CVS yesterday and DID NOT take my pistol nor my dog as I was going to be gone for a minute . When I came out of the...
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Apparently they don't know, cause these type of things happen all too often here in the houston area.
This should probably go in the Never Again section but being a newbie with SO much great information to read, I didn’t get to that section for weeks....
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A wise ole sage once said...
Loose Lips Sink Ships...
I know its cool, to achieve something as important as a permit or license to carry the...
I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice; but it seems to me that someone who shoots a person and then says it was unintentional is vulnerable...
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You are making big assumptions there. From other more detailed accounts, it was like a scene from Mississippi Burning with the white mob turning...
At the range today I took 3 pistols. My new pink lady 38spl, Bersa .380 and my Ruger LCP. I had already shot a number of rounds through each and was...
Never again will I be eating at Aunt C's . I was a couple of weeks ago when a friend and I decided to go eat around 11:30PM. Denny's didn't sound so...
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Hybrids are awful. Now the Nissan Leaf looks pretty dang good. 100 miles/charge? I'd own one if it wasn't more expensive than the Bimmer I'd want.
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