I was in an accident where the over driver would not share insurance information with me until the police arrived. When the police arrived they spoke...
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That is about the same reaction I had with Dallas PD at an accident scene in 2000. Very calm and professional. It probably helped that I wasn't all...
Today my perfect driving record has been shattered. No accidents, no traffic violations on record. Yes I had a run in with one of Cedar Parks finest...
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Not sure who it is my son uses but he hires an attorney that charges $45.00 and gets him off. He has had several tickets as his right foot is lead.
A little over a week ago I was driving home after a late night at work (after 11:00pm). At this time I was trying to run my fuel level down as low as...
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I'm not NHTSA (or any TSA) but to me it says stalker, psycho, intoxicated and/or jerk. No matter who is doing it.
So there I was walking into walmart to see if they had any ammo. I get there and there is a nice, well informed worker informing some other folk...
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I bought two boxes of 223 Tulammo at Walmart today for my first 223 ammo purchace. My build is is two months away from being complete but I thought I...
I just read another LEO contact and realized I forgot to post mine. A week before Christmas I was coming home from work and I got in a wreck. It was...
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You and me both. I had two cars and being pulled over was easier than writing myself a note rlol
Arrived in Austin on 1/18/2013 to spend the night in preparation for attending the Guns Across America rally being held at State Capitals across the...
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This past week I went to State Capitol with a business group to meet with our State Representative. I was carrying under my suit coat and approached...
been driving for almost 30 years. got pulled over ONCE about 10 yrs ago, got a warning.
yesterday I was pulled over by Montgomery County for expired...
I found out about Dickie's death yesterday, and wanted to share it on here for anyone that knew him. Dickie served a lot at school athletic events in...
Always been curious if when you get stopped and get a verbal warning, is it logged somewhere for access by others? IOW, if I were to get pulled over...
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we're not allowed to because of dept policy on top of that, since our CAD system won't do that for us
I am typically very careful about my driving but have gotten stopped for some mistake or another, perceived or real. Until now I have not gotten any...
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why would they need a reason to disarm when they pull out service weapons and hold them at low ready just because you have a CHL and a weapon?...
Last night as I was headed to obedience class with my new pup, I was spotlighted by a LEO 2 lanes over. He had pulled into traffic behind me a couple...
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That's awesome. I have people stopping me all the time when they see my ring or sticker on my car. Gotta love the Aggie network.
I made a left in a construction zone when I shouldn't have (she said there was a big sign)
right in front of a cop. Got pulled over (I never saw the...
So to start this off, I was legally in the wrong here, and given the number of times I've broken the law while driving, it's probably Karma catching...
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Acevedo came from the California Highway Patrol, which is largely a traffic enforcement agency vs. normal police agency.
I was pulled over by a San Antonio City Marshall recently on the way to work. He said I was doing 83 in a 65 but had no radar, laser and did not pace...
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We were both mobile when I was flagged for speeding so no laser or old school radar gun would be possible. I also forget to mention my 9500ix was...
Today going north on hwy69
i picked up a tail of a white crown vic with dark windows and take down lights in the grill and tow short ant on the rear...
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A buddy of mine drives a car like the one described....he's a Texas Railroad Commission investigator.
Was at the Dallas Market Hall show last week. Near the exit a vendor had a number of fire pits for sale. I asked if I could take a picture to show my...
Well it finally happened this week, I was pulled over on 45 south just past 610 south nearing the beltway ( the exit I was planning on taking) it was...
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Good information, I have valid insurance just the card I had on me at the moment was expired so hopefully proof of that gets that charge dropped and...
Houston McCoy, age 72, died today in Menard, Texas, of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
On August 1, 1966, McCoy was an Austin police...
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I invite everyone to read A sniper in the Tower by Gary Lavergne if you want to learn the facts of that day. Most people don't know that McCoy was at...
Wife was pulled over by Plano PD. She knew she was not speeding, did not run any lights or signs and I keep the car maintained as far as lights,etc....
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A trucker friend of mine tell's the story of almost getting a citation when pulling an empty tanker. He got pulled over going through town, and the...
Forgot to mention I was pulled over a few weeks ago coming back from Greenville. I was on 380 around 11pm and didn't notice the speed drop from 70 to...
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I kinda fanned all 3, DL, CHL and insurance out like pick a card style and figured he'd get the message. I greeted him with a very polite good...
Had just gotten off work at about 7:15pm and I guess I was in a bit of a hurry to get home. Got pulled over by an officer from Plano PD as I was...
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I grew up in East Plano (Park and Shilo) from 73-91 before I left for the AF. Great city!! I would agree that they are very courteous. But, to add to...
Wow, just wow....this kind of police state activity makes the TSA look good. I lost a lot of respect for the DPS seeing this video. All this because...
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