speedsix wrote:
...no, he was absolutely correct...it WAS theft rather than robbery by law...you only quoted PART of what the act of robbery is...when you read the REST of the definition, then you have the explanation for why the charges were upgraded to aggravated robbery...which it WASN'T before she got stupid and climbed their car...the rest of the definition is part of the definition...and can't be ignored, if you want to understand what happened and why a theft turned into a robbery...after she intervened...
It doesn’t really matter as their actions are taken as a whole. Plus, it is now a felony charge instead of just petty theft. Yippee!
Opinions may vary on what actions should have been taken by any person in any situation. A crime was apparently committed and only 1 honorable person took some type of action in this situation. There may have been more people willing to help but they may not have understood the situation. Without some type of verbal acknowledgment of rape, thieves, etc., one could easily assume it is a domestic dispute where the lady is taking it out on the husbands/friends car.
From the thieves’ calm demeanor and actions, I would not be surprised if they had not done this deed before and went unchallenged.