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by rentz
Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Who has been approached at a gas station with someone begging for money?
Replies: 93
Views: 20077

Re: Who has been approached at a gas station with someone begging for money?

I normally fill up at stations in nicer areas and noticed it doesn't happen much.
One evening a seemingly nice woman was going up to everyone saying she didn't have her wallet and needed gas , clearly had her car parked at a pump.
She approached me but kept a respectful distance
I've very cautious I don't give anyone money or pull out my wallet so I declined but she asked the guy at the next pump and he went and put 10 bucks gas in her car with his card.
The woman was so great fun and happy I geniunely think she just didn't have her wallet and I felt a little bad not helping her but I'd rather be cautious than robbed

In worse areas I've been approached by people who clearly don't even have a car asking for money for gas or the hey I've got extra speakers from a delivery I'll make a deal
My key is I'm aware of my surroundings and I give off the vibe I don't want to be messed with, usually works

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