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by JP171
Sat Jul 06, 2013 1:14 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Over-policing plus justified fear of impersonators
Replies: 192
Views: 22318

Re: Over-policing plus justified fear of impersonators

woohoo my point is made
by JP171
Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:43 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Over-policing plus justified fear of impersonators
Replies: 192
Views: 22318

Re: Over-policing plus justified fear of impersonators

I have been thru all 11 pages so far, sorry to say there is an individual that is nothing more than a police apologist and I disrespect that wholly and emphatically. the ABC agents were in the wrong in how the situation was handled and some acts by the agents were bordering on criminal so they made up something( lets lie and get them arrested for contempt of cop) that would allow them to be taken into custody. this type of activity should have strong consequences for the agents such as termination, jail time and never being able to be any type of LEO anywhere. We all need to remember that the law enforcement community is there to maintain order as civil SERVANTS not as those who are appointed to control us, this is not a police state and I pray hope and dream that it never will be. I know that most LEO's are generally good people who have a hard job, but then you have a small minority that believe it is their life's mission to control and abase all subjects of the crown of police power, the thin blue line needs to be abolished and penalized as an illegal and terrorist organization, make the LEO's responsible to the people not for them, remind the would be KGB type of LEO's that they too are human and not exempt :banghead:

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