EKO wrote:Ipconfig wrote:During archery only season you cannot have a firearm on you unless you have a chl. In other words no open carry.JP171 wrote:the OP didn't say a thing about concealed carry. I see the regulations have changed to allow a CHL to carry and that silencers are allowed where they have not been in the past. still makes me wonder though will someone use a silencer during archery only then stick a broadhead in there? hmmm could be, that's why it was disallowed to begin with
Wrong! I open carry during Deer archery season when I'm hunting pigs(with my bow).
wrong, the law makes no exception for possession without a CHL during archery only deer season, but then I assume you have a CHL and must abide by those rules so OC is against the law there. you either don't meet many game wardens or they just don't want to bother.