hpcatx wrote:Wasn't negating your post. Merely pointing out that it's not so outlandish to think that Obama might try an unconstitutional executive order. History shows all that is needed is the claim (true or manufactured) of crisis.JP171 wrote:hpcatx wrote:This was still a violation of the Louisiana Constitution... and that was before the recent vote to amend it with stronger RKBA language.JP171 wrote:the NOPD did what the law in LA. said they were allowed to do
ok, however I did hear right after the incident that the law in LA. stated the governor could declare a state of emergency and confiscate personally owned weapons, but if the law didn't say that ok, if however it did thats why they included in the new law a repeal of and language fobidding such action from the effective date of the law.
My original point stands though, in neither case did the Military of Either state nor federal act in the incidents of firearms confiscation or attempted arrest of felons
ok I'll give you that one