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by JP171
Mon May 21, 2012 10:41 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

I will apologize for being harsh to my friends here, but my position is unchanged, I just get tired of being stopped almost 52 times a year without real reason just to see if I am going to run. yes I do admit that as a general rule of thumb sport bike riders bring it on themselves due to most of us being very young(wish I still was) dumb and full of(insert appropriate word) I get grilled about where are you comming from, where are you going, what were you doing, have you been drinking, were you at work, what were you doing, so on and so forth, when your on the side of the road for 30 to 45 mins each time it gets old fast, then if I am in uniform I catch all kinds of grief and have even had LEO's say things like you military guys think you can get away with murder and aren't gonna get a ticket and think your too good for laws like everyone else. sorry but it gets to be a real pain. again I do most humbly offer my apology to anyone that may have been offended or believes that I have been too harsh and to the LEO's here I really do appreciate each and everyone of you and what you do for us in the civilian world, alot of the LEO's that I have worked with in the past I have always felt were justified by the behavior of the person being stopped or arrested, but as has been said here many times its the 1% that cause we the people to not like the other 99%.
by JP171
Mon May 21, 2012 6:42 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

Monson wrote:Maybe it's just me. My last ticket was 1968 (doing 60 in a 30 with my new Camero by small town cops). I was a LEO in the early 70's in California and a PI in Tennessee in the 80's. I haven't been stopped in 40 years. I drive an old pickup now which gets looks sometimes, but no stops. I know that in Cal. we used to give what was called an attitude test on occasion. The driver stopped would say something like "what are yous stopping me for" and that was fine. The driver who came at us with "what the did you stop me for??" was bound for ticket land. I know that the LEO community has changed. It's a lot more dangerous out there now...or at least that's my perception. I carried a .38 revolver and was denied hollow points or +P loads. I always felt like I was under gunned. LEO's have my full respect and gratitude for what they do and I can't imagine being rude to them or disrespecting the job they do by getting my panties in a wad over a where are you going or where have you been question. I've asked that many many times, partially out of boredom and partially because I just wanted to know. It just doesn't seem reasonable confronting a person who's job it is to run toward the gunfire because you perceive that they are violating you by asking a few questions unless the answers might be a problem.

sorry but asking me irrelavant questions is like will smith askin his boss in the movie enemy of the state the shower question, tain't none of your business, I do not start out being a butthead but will go from nice to butthead in nothing flat if I believe your on a fishin expidition. oh and as far as cops running into gunfire, hmm lemme tole ya I will guarentee you I have been in more gunfire than about any cop out there, cept the ones that served with me. I do appreciate what LEO's do the risks they take and the thankless stuff they put up with but contemp of cop is not a crime anymore than lese majeste is, specially when the LEO begins the encounter with a tude just cause a guy is on a sport bike. and no Monson I am not making you the subject just responding to your points. and I also get a bit ticked when you answer the LEO's question and he asks the same question 5 or 6 times cause he doesn't like the answer, the answer is what it is, it ain't gonna change just cause the LEO doesn't like it.
by JP171
Sun May 20, 2012 9:20 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

Like I said in my second post there, I ride a crotch rocket, alot of cops think because of the type of Bike I ride that I'm gonna run, yea they don't know me but no way in creation I'm gonna run, felony evading isn't somthing I want I have too much to loose for that foolishness. but if you read this you may begin to understand why I am so difficult when it comes to answering questions and allowing searches and seem to have a thing against LEO's I don't really but I do hold a hard line
by JP171
Sat May 19, 2012 9:15 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

carlson1 wrote:
Mel wrote:how I wish that were true, ask any of the LEO's here and they will tell you for a fact that at any given time they can stop you for about 40 infractions or violations you didn't even know you comitted. I get stopped all the time, haven't gotten a ticket in quite a while, but still get stopped at least once a week and always get some thing about my plate or turn signal, the last one an officer swore to high heaven that I was not in compliance because my turn signals weren't at least 13 inches apart, no I didn't get a ticket

Wow, My last ticket was in 1964. I get stopped on average less than once every 10 years.
No need in you buying a lottery ticket. :lol:[/quote]
yea no kidding, but it boils down to my riding a sportbike, they just want to see if I am going to try and run
by JP171
Sat May 19, 2012 5:21 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

txbirddog wrote:Hey, I have an idea,,,,,,Don't speed; not have a plate on the vehicle; keep your registration and inspection up to date; come to a complete stop at an intersection; have your car functioning properly;,,,,,,,and you will never need your bravado with the police since you won't get stopped...... :banghead:

how I wish that were true, ask any of the LEO's here and they will tell you for a fact that at any given time they can stop you for about 40 infractions or violations you didn't even know you comitted. I get stopped all the time, haven't gotten a ticket in quite a while, but still get stopped at least once a week and always get some thing about my plate or turn signal, the last one an officer swore to high heaven that I was not in compliance because my turn signals weren't at least 13 inches apart, no I didn't get a ticket
by JP171
Sun May 06, 2012 12:24 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

BCI is your name holtsclaw???? the police officer has no business asking my anything other the pertainant questions as to the violation, as far as being arrestable, go fer it arrest me, hope your wife likes working to support you. I refuse to anwer any questions that aren't germaine to the offense, if I answer the officer that I was at his house with his wife the stuff would hit the fan, he DOES NOT need to know where I was where I am going what I was doing nor what I will be doing later. he does not need to know if I took a shower today nor does he need to know if I really like my wifes capri pants period, he needs to know if I have a DL he needs to know if I have insurance he needs to know exactly nothing else not even my eye color period, you can try and justify it anyway you like but its invasive and unnecessary, most officers that ask open ended questions are looking for more, and most sheeple will blab all about everything they did in the last month. the reality the officer has no right to ask, if I ask if he's been eating do-nuts again just because his eyes are glazed is that right of me? no its not same as his verbal fishing expiditiion has no basis in proper interaction unless the officer has real suspicion or PC, I have encountered too many that do not period, and please lets not get into the thing about well he has PC because he stopped you for a class C Misdemeanor traffic violation. its wrong most of the time and on too many levels, so he gets nothing, where was I? that way, where are you going, that way, where have you been, around.
by JP171
Fri May 04, 2012 10:58 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Stopped By DPS Today
Replies: 88
Views: 15350

Re: Stopped By DPS Today

all the non relavant questions makes me give him a thumbs down! he did NOT need to go on his fishing expidition so therefore it was NOT a good encounter

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