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by CowboyEngineer
Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:29 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: 8th-grader suspended, arrested, charged for NRA shirt
Replies: 68
Views: 11491

Re: 8th-grader suspended, arrested, charged for NRA shirt

I can't imagine any DA going forward with prosecuting this kid. However, the Libs keep using this tactic to intimidate and silence kids and families who support RKBA. It is politicized child abuse and is disgraceful. I wish the NRA would organize a national RKBA day and every family that supports the NRA or RKBA would send their kids to school wearing an NRA or RKBA t-shirt with AR-15's printed on them. They couldn't suspend and arrest all of them and it would teach our children it's ok to stand up to petty tyrants and stupid liberals. Maybe then this nonsense would stop. We need a Chic-Fil-A day for guns.

End of Rant.

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