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by johnson0317
Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:45 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Beating Death
Replies: 33
Views: 5920

Re: Beating Death

karder wrote: I can hear the attorneys arguing that those boys did not make the choice to commit murder, that choice was made by the neighborhood they were born into, and it is probably the school system's fault too.
Well, the excuses for atrocious behavior are getting better and better. The USCCA sent out a link to the Philadelphia bus shooting. This is the incident where a girl on the bus smacked her kid for misbehaving. Some guy told her she had been too rough. She gets on the cell phone and calls her friends who are then waiting at her bus stop. She gets off and a couple of the guys open up on the bus, trying to shoot this guy. Well, they miss everyone...kind of like the LA cops that time.

Their defense? They claim they should not have to be charged with anything because they did not hit anyone. Wonder if they will get away with that? :waiting:


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