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by tbrown
Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:17 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23163

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

couzin wrote:I'm thinking the latest revelation for Ron Paul probably will finish him.
Is there anything new or is it the same stuff the dinosaur media "discovers" every time Paul runs for POTUS?
by tbrown
Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:08 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23163

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

CC Italian wrote:This post has changed so much over the months but I will play along. Does Perry have a chance of still getting the nomination? Yes. Does Newt and Romney have a better chance of getting more votes the Perry? Yes. The bottom line is moderates and independents are more likely to vote for Newt and Romney. They might only get 3% more votes but that could make all the difference!
It could be a huge difference if nominating Romney or another pale imitation Obama costs them 5% of the votes to a third party conservative candidate.

I hope the caucus and primary voters in January, February and March make good choices. Because here in Texas I know a lot of people who aren't pleased with waiting until April to have a vote, and won't back the party choice if the party eliminates the conservative choices before Texans even get a chance to vote. :grumble
by tbrown
Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:02 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23163

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

RoyGBiv wrote:Just as Obama's 2008 promises were transparently foolish, Romney's proposals are transparently fungible and prima facia, insufficient.
Fungible? Like commodities? :headscratch
RoyGBiv wrote:Cain is fairly articulate (there are some nuances about his speaking style that I find annoying, but overall he does a very good job conveying his message, IMO) and his proposals thus far show an understanding of the problem, a direction of attack that is based on both macroeconomic reality and are not tainted by inside-the-beltline political thinking. Cain, IMO, evokes Reagan in that he is clearly guided by his religious compass, but he does not wear it on his sleeve. His "positivity" is engaging, infectious, sorely needed and also evokes Reagan. Cain believes in America, Perry and Romney come across as believing in themselves, primarily. Cain has "been there, done that" in the business world (doing turn-around work requires nuts-and-bolts, hands-on executive skills, not just a spreadsheet and a red pen) and at the Fed, vs. Romney, who is a Missionary, Lawyer, Management Consultant. His job at Bain was purely Finance and M&A, he was a leveraged buyout specialist. As things stand currently, Cain has SUBSTANCE, IMO, YMMV.
He knows finance but I'm not convinced his heart is in the right place on other issues. For example, when he says states should be able to have strict gun control, despite recent SCOTUS opinions.

Cain might be a good Treasury Secretary, especially if ATF is moved to DOJ under a pro-BoR/pro-RKBA AG.
by tbrown
Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:58 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23163

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

loadedliberal wrote:What AWB is still in effect?
The 1989 ban by the Bush (41) administration.
by tbrown
Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:29 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry
Replies: 155
Views: 23163

Re: Ron Paul vs Rick Perry

Keith B wrote:A vote for a third party IS a vote for Obama if it causes you NOT to vote for the Republican candidate. This is how Clinton won in 1992 due to a large number of voters jumping to vote for Perot who would have otherwise voted for Bush. Perot won approximately 19% of the popular vote, which caused some of the states to end up giving the electoral votes to Clinton instead of Bush. Clinton ended up with 43% of the popular vote vs. Bush 37%. Had even a small portion of those that voted for Perot voted for Bush he would have won a second term.
I was a kid 20 years ago so all I remember about that President Bush is the "no new taxes" debacle and his AWB which is still in effect. Maybe he lost the election because he didn't earn a second term.

I say a vote for a RINO is a vote for Obama if it causes you not to vote for a conservative candidate. :patriot:

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