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by longhorn86
Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:58 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Will You OC Using A Non-Retention Holster?
Replies: 60
Views: 11137

Re: Will You OC Using A Non-Retention Holster?

WinoVeritas wrote:
BCGlocker wrote:
Nothing in the law requires use of retention. How are you going to lose your CHL/LTC by using a non-retention holster?
Since I have absolutely no desire to OC, I admit I have not study this aspect of law at all. However, I was under the impression that in order to legally OC, one MUST have a CHL and a retention holster. Am I wrong on this?
You're half right - you must have a CHL/LTC to legally carry CC or OC, but no law requires a retention type holster - just a holster - type not specified other than belt or shoulder.

Here is the section of HB910 that applies to this, no mention of "retention"

SECTION 40. Section 30.05(f), Penal Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(f) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that:
(1) the basis on which entry on the property or land or
in the building was forbidden is that entry with a handgun was
forbidden; and
(2) the person was carrying:
(A) a license issued
under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, to carry a
handgun; and

(B) a handgun:
(i) in a concealed manner; or
(ii) in a shoulder or belt holster.
by longhorn86
Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:05 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Will You OC Using A Non-Retention Holster?
Replies: 60
Views: 11137

Re: Will You OC Using A Non-Retention Holster?

If I decide to ever OC, I will use the DM Bullard Dual Carry that I recently purchased. My gun fits nice and tight, plenty of natural retention.

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