Scott in Houston wrote:The way I interpreted it...
CHL'r pulled over to help a couple on side of road. The couple were likely not functional and the husband potentially abusive.
The CHL'r, if he's the type to pull over to help, is also the type who would stick up for a woman being treated poorly.
Husband's ego is enraged when he's called on his behavior and attacks CHL'r. The CHL'r uses his weapon in defense.
Based on my interpretation strictly from this article (so of course I don't know all the facts), the CHL'r should be ok legally.
That's pretty much the way I interpreted as well, my concern is that it is possible that a question could be raised that the CHL'er could have "provoked" the other guy into attacking him. Just not sure that this will be cut & dried. It is definitely sad that people cannot offer assistance to others without facing possible consequences.