The Annoyed Man wrote:In any case, I think in hindsight you might not have experienced an "interview," as they were A) talking about when one of their moms could come pick them up, and B) they didn't rob the place while they were in there. They left of their own accord, right? If they were hanging around on a nearby corner, and they didn't do anything, isn't it possible that you were alarmed simply because they did not seem to be an ethnic or cultural fit for the normal traffic in that neighborhood? Maybe they were just as freaked out by being stranded where they felt like they did not belong, and they just badly wanted someone to pick them up and get them out of there?
Just a thought....
Thanks to everyone for their valuable input.
I've turned these thoughts over and over in my mind several times, but I keep coming back to bad intent. I drove around the area several times after I'd completed my daily butt-whipping in the gym and could find no evidence of a party van anywhere within several blocks on all sides of the gym. I factored in that the three of us in the gym (hopefully) presented a more imposing presence than a group of women (no sexism or disrespect intended) and, discretion being the better part of valor and all, the pair moved on without causing trouble. In other words, we didn't provide an easy target. Although I delibertately left out the ethnic/cultural aspect of it, these men were not WASPs and actually fit in perfectly with the ethnic/cultural make-up of the surrounding area. They could live in the immediate area or easily faded into the woodwork, so to speak.
First and foremost is how I
felt at the time. Their presence there at that time of the morning with what I felt was a rather implausible story set off my alarms. Things just didn't add up for me, and it didn't add up for my workout buddy and the trainer. I could be wrong, heck I hope I'm wrong, but I try not to ignore that little voice in the back of my head telling me that something just ain't right.
The take-home part, I suppose, is that I should/will investigate an alternative way to carry in the gym and that I will definitely recommend to the owner that the trainers keep the doors locked very early in the morning, although that last one may be problematic because the doors currently have no panic hardware installed. I really wish some unicorns or fairies would make 9mm S&W Shields more readily available...