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by surferdaddy
Tue Jul 24, 2018 3:26 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The TexasCHL Pet Section
Replies: 30
Views: 8972

Re: The TexasCHL Pet Section


Beck, my “Professional” dog. Everyone should own at least one German Shepherd at some point.


Perceval, the lightest hearted dog I’ve ever been around. He is truly a natural born clown. I think everyone should have a Boxer at some point as well. No one has fun like a boxer.

My German Shepherd is 10 and starting to slow down a bit now...I’m not ready for him to get old. Percy is just a 2 year old pup.

The two are best buddies and constantly play with my kids. I trust my family’s lives to these two when I can’t be around.


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