And the long term ramifications......Anyone playing along can figure out your house, your place of employment. When you're not at home because you're at your place of employment, or you just stopped at a theater, on and on. Now you don't even need a spotter to case the joint, just follow the cute little dots. <fake radio squawk> "Ten minutes out, they and spouse are leaving the movies." <fake radio squawk>vjallen75 wrote:Basically what this developer has is the ability to track every single person with a Carry Permit? No thank you, I may be young and naïve when it comes to certain things. But I ain't stupid Mr programmer.JustSomeOldGuy wrote:Doesn't "broadcasting your [concealed] carry status" constitute an oxymoron? Or at least a paradox?
Either this is a practical joke, or there's an underemployed programmer out there looking for solutions to problems nobody had in the first place......
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- Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:11 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: New IPhone APP maps concealed handgun permit holders.
- Replies: 32
- Views: 11865