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by goose
Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Abraham wrote:...ah, that would be 'quite' a few individuals or we wouldn't be hearing about the number and details of preventable incidents these knuckleheads perpetrate.

Defend all you care to (who ever you may be) the problems "the few, the proud, the knuckleheads) perpetrate isn't a small number.

And Goosey Goose, I know you're going to ask: What's the number? Here it is: Legion
1) Goosey Gose. Name call much? Kind of like a 12 year old? You seem to be taking this much more personally than the "defenders" you attempt to belittle. I'll take the maturity displayed by the defenders I've seen in this thread over the name callers and vague posters.

2) I don't see a link. Please tell us about the legions of issues that have arisen. And then you can call more names when we compare those numbers to gun crimes.
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:26 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

parabelum wrote: Image
I resemble that remark!! :-)
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:27 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Pariah3j wrote:
carlson1 wrote: Like I said there is nothing else to be said about the childush game. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
Carlson - I've got to take you to task here too. The only thing childish is the quote. Video games or those who enjoy them come from all walks of life, and just because you don't partake does not make them childish. This type of mentality to me feels much the same as those in the Anti-2A group that equate all gun owners as gun nuts because they don't like guns so why should anyone else.
All of my questioning about pointing out how we're using the logic of the left has gone unanswered.
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:24 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

karder wrote: Here is the way to play pokemon.
If the officer would attach his phone to the dog's collar he'd get credit for all that running. Just sayin'
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Abraham wrote:Gamers who play at home, wonderful!

Drive a car while 'playing' and cause grief for others, you whoever you may be, should be locked up.
We already have a slough of good laws to address people misbehaving in cars. Or are you suggesting we need more governmental regulations?
Abraham wrote:Public nuisance or vandalism and yes, even causing death can't be defended with: Hey man, we were only 'playing' and whining, 'sorry man, didn't mean to cause grief' doesn't cut it.
I haven't seen a single person defending vandalism. Can you quote one? As for nuisance, we should also address noise pollution around gun ranges, right? No one will be allowed to do anything that might annoy another. Seems like a great plan.
Abraham wrote: When you cause grief, I don't care to hear you didn't mean to cause any harm.

Define your grief? And define where anyone in this thread condoned any real damages. Quote one.
Abraham wrote: Lots of criminals will whine after they do something that results in something plain awful or even tragic in their commision of a criminal act, that "hey man, that wasn't suppose to happen" Uh-huh, but it did...and you're responsible.
hehehehe. Pokemon criminals! Ruining our streets! I challenge you to find how many folks, nation wide (population of 318 million give or take), have been charged with criminal behavior while playing Pokemon Go. Will there be some? Absolutely. Are they causing the demise of our country? Give me a break. Some of us here on this board are acting like this is tantamount to anarchy. To quote Dr. Venkman, "Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria."

What I have not heard is a single person on this board willing to both bash the game and all of its perils against humanity while addressing personal freedoms and how we should have them corralled. What stipulations will we use to subjugate someone doing stuff we don't like? Or we think are childish? Bigger government telling us what to do? No one has said bigger government but several have talked about the need for government to get involved. Other than enforcing laws that we already have, and they should be enforced, I am just curious how we'll ever get this epidemic reeled in without more government.
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:01 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

carlson1 wrote: Apples to oranges. We will agree to disagree. I have personally seen the damage done by the adolescents. I have spoken to several Law Enforcment administrators of the problems they cause in there Cities and Counties.
Did they mention any task forces being set up? Are they implementing new policies to address the multitudes of issues this is creating? I am curious as to how or if they were able to assuage your concerns.
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:09 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

LucasMcCain wrote:I'm against doing anything with a cell phone while driving a car. It's stupid and dangerous, and it's the absolute number one killer of motorcyclists.
Absolutely. My boys know that if they want a Poke' chauffeur, they better be willing to man my phone and get me the goodies too!
LucasMcCain wrote:However, I am also against drinking alcohol while driving a car. Does this mean we should make drinking alcohol illegal? No. It means we should ban drinking alcohol while driving a car. So that's what we did. Banning cell phone use while driving is a great idea. Banning some dumb game, not so much. I'm told the game won't work if your phone detects that you're travelling more than 35 mph. I don't know if that's true or not, as I don't play this game. If so, let's drop that to about 15 mph. That should keep people from playing while driving.
With the newest update there is simply a screen that pops up and says something akin to "We detected that you are traveling quickly. Don't play and drive." The button to make the pop-up go away says, "I am a passenger" For a cranky person it is lame, and I might tend to agree. But it lets them give a warning/mini-education, gets them off the hook legally, lets the other three folks in the car keep playing. It doesn't actually disable the game. Perfect? no. Does it address safety while managing the marketability of their product? I think so. Heck, my last power drill had a safety icon warning me not to use it while standing in a bathtub of water.
LucasMcCain wrote:As far as players committing other acts of foolishness while playing, comparisons to guns, cars, alcohol, disc golf, dirtbike riding, geocaching, etc. are all valid as far as I'm concerned. There are dumb people in every segment of society. Dumb people do dumb things. Getting rid of a dumb game won't get rid of dumb people. It will just make them find something else to do.
by goose
Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:26 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

jkurtz wrote:
Abraham wrote:carlson1 is right on the money.

Were such criminal acts perpetrated by the Poke people rare then I doubt anyone would complain. The fact is their criminal acts are rampant.

Acting like 12 year old tantrum throwing entitled children when they perform acts of criminality in pursuit of their goals isn't a group playing a harmless game. It's a group of inconsiderate buffoons who care not what harm they perpetrate. Then to make matters worse, as so-called adults, they whine "but we're just playing". This pathetic excuse won't stand up in court...
Let me fix that for you. "Were such criminal acts perpetrated by the gun people rare then I doubt anyone would complain. The fact is their criminal acts are rampant." Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

The truth is, this thread is the only place I hear about negative Pokemon experiences. Do they happen? Absolutely. Is it anywhere near the epidemic some of you make it out to be? I highly doubt it. But hey, lets restrict everyone's ability to do an otherwise legal activity just because a small minority might break the law. Maybe Shannon Watts can help you guys form a new group. You can call it "Cranky Men Demand Action for Pokemon Sense in America".
:-) you beat me to my response. "Pokemon Pandemic as identified onTexasCHLforum."

Of all the folks spot on in this thread, you are spot on. I am still just baffled that 2A folks here are using the logic of the left (a few bad apples represent the whole) that is so often derided here.
by goose
Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

carlson1 wrote:I have read on this thread how all of this is just a group of innocent folks playing a game and we shouldn't complain. A group of the babies "playing the game" (about 12 suspects) plowed down a fence at the Roseland Cemetary in Tyler and drove inside. Tyler PD responded with a tactical team ($$$$) and the it is my understanding that the fence they destroyed was $6200.00 to replace. I know just leave them alone they are innocent folks just having fun.
Again, are we, the 2A crowd really going to be throwing stones at an activity that has an occasional bad apple? Really? The 2A would be gone by lunch tomorrow if out of millions of users we only had to focus on a few folks that are probably idiots no matter what activity they take up. As posted further up in the thread a gun owner killed a Pokemon Go player. Compared to a fence, that isn't even close. I guess we should also leave those innocent gun owners alone too. They're just having fun.

Angry about a fence and the desecration of a cemetery, 100% valid. Throwing an entire group of folks under the bus for the actions of a few? Seems like a tactic I've seen used a lot by the other side. Prior to this thread I would have hoped that we collectively would have been above that. But alas, it seems to keep coming up.
by goose
Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:40 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Firearms. A nuisance to other outdoor activities? :biggrinjester:
by goose
Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:26 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Abraham wrote:Some of you sound defensive.

An entitled attitude of "Hey man, I'm playing Pokemon here, so what if I'm causing you problems" is not OK.
I was thinking some of us sound entitled to reeling in other's freedoms.

What real problems have you seen defined here?
by goose
Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

carlson1 wrote:
goose wrote:
carlson1 wrote:I would like to set a shooting range next door the person who created this mess.

As far as keeping them busy and out of trouble it has caused a small riot in NY with about 125 players. Someone walked into a helipad and someone else walked on top of a copperhead and was bitten. There is no telling what else has occurred that has not been reported or linked to the adolescent "game."
What else can we ban where occasionally bad things happen? 4 wheelers? Soccer games (at least in Engleand. They riot all the time.)? Firearms? Hiking (more than one species of venomous bites)? We could clean up a lot of activites we don't like, since we aren't doing them.
I don't know what your asking to ban??? Me not wanting it on our parking lot or my front yard is my business not the whole world walking as zombies looking at a phone.
With proper use of communications I am certain you can keep all the ner-do-wells out of your parking lot. Possibly for good. I would be surprised that they are keeping your parishioners from their Sunday morning services. How many Pokemon players are your security teams identifying on tape during Church hours?

As for your front yard, this would absolutely be trespassing. Unless you just mean the sidewalks. Issues with vandalism or trespassing should be discussed with LEO for sure.

I am in no way condoning poor behavior by anyone, playing the game or not. I am just surprised that your Church is being inundated with lots of Pokemon players on a Sunday morning. Do you have thoughts on how your Church will respond? Posting elders at the parking lot entrances? Asking people to leave? I think that it is an interesting question.
by goose
Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:42 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

Russell wrote:In its July 1859 issue, Scientific American rallied against a wicked game that made both the mind and body weaker—chess:

A pernicious excitement to learn and play chess has spread all over the country, and numerous clubs for practicing this game have been formed in cities and villages...chess is a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements, while it affords no benefit whatever to the body. Chess has acquired a high reputation as being a means to discipline the mind, but persons engaged in sedentary occupations should never practice this cheerless game; they require out-door exercises--not this sort of mental gladiatorship.
Thanks for nothing, Russell. You just took us from "Are you smarter than a fifth grader" to "Can Deep Blue beat a 14 year old at Pokemon Go!"

:lol:: :tiphat:
by goose
Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

carlson1 wrote:I would like to set a shooting range next door the person who created this mess.

As far as keeping them busy and out of trouble it has caused a small riot in NY with about 125 players. Someone walked into a helipad and someone else walked on top of a copperhead and was bitten. There is no telling what else has occurred that has not been reported or linked to the adolescent "game."
What else can we ban where occasionally bad things happen? 4 wheelers? Soccer games (at least in Engleand. They riot all the time.)? Firearms? Hiking (more than one species of venomous bites)? We could clean up a lot of activites we don't like, since we aren't doing them.
by goose
Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:50 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities
Replies: 98
Views: 15656

Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

LucasMcCain wrote:
carlson1 wrote:My people who monitor the security cameras nd building during church times have noticed a lot of traffic in and out of our parking lot. It seemed to really pick up last week. Today I was enlightened that our parking lot is an "arena" or area that they can do battle with Pokemon. :banghead:

This is a big nuisance and I pray they go away. Is there anyway to change this other than praying these "adults" grow up?
The purpose of the church is not to reach the people inside the church building. The purpose is to reach the ones outside it. That's a lot easier when they come to you. :thumbs2: Use it as an outreach. People who are out playing cell phone games on a Sunday morning clearly need Jesus. Go out there and share the gospel with them. They'll either want to come inside or go away. Either way they're not in your parking lot anymore. :mrgreen: One of the area churches did something with "lures" to draw players in deliberately so that they could share Jesus with them. From what I heard, it worked pretty well. I think this game is a silly fad that will pass in time, but while it's here let's use it to bring as many people as we can to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I like your style. "Here's a cold water bottle and an informational tract about our Church and our mission. Got a minute? I'd like to just ask a question or two to see if we can help you in any way."

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