Sweet. I tested an ordered list, and I had tested list items, but didn't add a list item to an ordered list. So, I didn't see the output I was looking for. This was the piece I was missing. Thank you!warnmar10 wrote:but wait there's more, you can nest this stuff:
- The Big Picture
- Section I
- Party of the 1st part
- a bullet
- the little alpha
- finally the point
Search found 13 matches
Re: list test
Re: list test
(2) "Notice" means:
- (A) oral or written communication by the owner or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner;
(B) fencing or other enclosure obviously designed to exclude intruders or to contain livestock;
(C) a sign or signs posted on the property or at the entrance to the building, reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders, indicating that entry is forbidden;
(D) the placement of identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property, provided that the marks are:- (i) vertical lines of not less than eight inches in length and not less than one inch in width;
(ii) placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three feet from the ground or more than five feet from the ground; and
(iii) placed at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the property and no more than:- (a) 100 feet apart on forest land; or
(b) 1,000 feet apart on land other than forest land; or
- (a) 100 feet apart on forest land; or
- (i) vertical lines of not less than eight inches in length and not less than one inch in width;
Re: list test
[quote="goose"]This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
- another supporting note.
Code: Select all
Re: list test
This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
- another supporting note.
Re: list test
This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
another supporting note.
- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
Re: list test
goose wrote:This is the main point:wha? dang extra line.
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.and this is my third sub point, am i right?
- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
another supporting note.
Re: list test
This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
another supporting note.
- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
Re: list test
This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
another supporting note.
- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
Re: list test
goose wrote:This is the main point:more better?
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.and this is my third sub point, am i right?
- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
another supporting note.
Re: list test
This is the main point:
better, still?
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
better, still?
Re: list test
This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
this is the second sub-point.- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
- another supporting note.
Re: list test
extra lines. wait one.
list test
TAM, gave me some pointers for posting lists in a more readable format. I am making sure I can use the tags correctly.
This is the main point:
This is the main point:
- this is sub-point 1?
- this is the second sub-point.
- but this is a supporting note for sub-point 2
- another supporting note.
- and this is my third sub point, am i right?