The Annoyed Man wrote:If more Ron Paul supporters were as practical as you are, we would have fewer problems in November getting Obama out of office. With all due respect to your wife, I understand her frustration, but staying home in protest will help to ensure an Obama victory—making her as responsible for the outcome as anybody who votes for him. There really is no middle ground here. A second Obama term would be the permanent death knell of Constitutional government in this country. Either a "stay at home" protest, or a 3rd party protest vote is a vote FOR Obama—no matter the purity of your intentions.punkndisorderly wrote:I love Ron Paul. He has principals and you can pretty much guess what he's going to say before he says it. He'll still say it even if he knows it won't be popular.
I wonder if he's unelectable because he just is, or because the liberals and neo-con politicians, political hacks, and main stream media have repeated it so often it has become true.
I can't stand Perry. He's all politician. He's always struck me a a pretty boy concerned with Rick Perry first, his buddies and cronies second, and Texas third. I'll hold my nose and vote for him if I have to. Obama is worse. My wife can't stand Obama either, but has said she'll stay home on election day if it's between Perry and Obama.
To me, a Perry vs Obama election reminds me of the douche vs thug election on the show South Park.
I agree there is no middle ground, those who don't or won't vote, are fooling themselves.
I can't believe someone actually said they would vote for obummer.