CNN reported this morning that the girl went through the X-ray back scatter machine and it showed some anomaly, hence the pat down. I'll give the TSA agent credit, she explained the process to the mother, made sure she was in a position to observe and explained what she was doing throughout the process. I can't imagine that was a very pleasant experience for her either.jmra wrote:I may not agree with the pat downs but I also did not see how anyone could say that the girl was "groped". Pat downs are wrong, but saying this girl was groped is no different than the Brady Bunch calling an AR an automatic assault rifle. It simply isn't true.
Let's make sure we aren't using the same scare tactics that we accuse others of using.
I don't like the screening and believe it is all security theater, but I'm not going to bash those how have to carry out their job. I find myself having to do things I find unpleasant and don't agree with in my job at least weekly.