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by LSUTiger
Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:16 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4422

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

chasfm11 wrote: I figure that traffic violations for revenue is probably the world's 2nd oldest profession.
That's a polite way of putting it.

In both cases, 1st and 2nd oldest profession, an applicable phrase may include "assume the position" and a kiss first might be customary. "rlol"

My 10 year old daughter has no idea what I am talking about.
by LSUTiger
Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:53 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?
Replies: 30
Views: 4422

Re: Public safety or feeding a cash cow?

Public safety or feeding a cash cow?


The excuse of enforcing many speed and traffic laws, which sometimes IMO are neglible infractions at best, for "Public Safety" is for Public Safety, but just not in the way you might think.

Minor speeding are other small infractions really dont make the roads unsafe in my opinion. I pay more attention when I drive a litte faster so really I am safer, but sometimes pay attention less when driving slower. All the 3-4 fender benders I have been were are at very very low speed, less than 10 MPH. Never had an accident at 80 mph.

The police will also use these laws as PC for pulling you over and phishing (google it) around for information. Those uneducated or intimidated enough to give up their rights often find themselves unecessarily conceding their rights to allow for legal search and seizure since they cooperate and give permission when they did not have to.

Lots of criminals are caught as a result of a routine traffic stop. In addition to the traditional criminals, I'm sure many drunk drivers are also caught as a result of minor infractons even though their driving make not otherwise indicate somethings wrong.

Some PD's rely on ticket as operating revenue more than others and will use it as such. I have passed through many small towns infamous for being speed traps. Giving tickets is the only source of revenue and the only action these PD's get to see.

So giving speeding tickets as both a revenue source and crime fighting technique is an unfortunate burden for most otherwise law abiding folks.

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