Here we go again! Truck Guns! Discuss.
With the recent terror attacks in New Orleans-Bourbon Street and Las Vegas-Trump Tower and the predicted dumpster fire that 2025 is going be, potential Trump related activities and other terrorism and "activism", the topic of truck guns has come up again in my inner shooting circles.
For me any long gun would be to compliment my on body EDC and provide me with additional range and firepower for defensive use in suburban, city, and rural areas as "get home" gun, if I am going to carry a long gun I will try balance its potential capability while maintaining a reasonable cost and mitigate potential maintenance issues.
My EDC is a sub compact 9mm Pistol with 1-10 rd magazine and 2 spare 15 round magazines. 40 round of ammo on my person.
I also keep 6-15 round magazines in my vehicle just in case, an additional 90 rounds of 9mm for a total of 130 rounds.
I also have 100 rounds of ammo just incase I make an unplanned trip to the range. So that is 230 rounds of 9mm.
So at the moment my truck gun is really just extra ammo for my always on body EDC 9mm pistol. No big financial loss if stolen and not a problem to carry in case I have to abandon my vehicle. I can maintain grayman status. But range is limited.
However, if I were to start carrying a long gun in my vehicle on a regular basis it would be a basic 16" 5.56 PSA AR-15 with FSP/Carry Handle Sights (50/200 zero) and a sling and 7-30 rd magazines w M193, I have and Ace Case 6-pack magazine carrier. No expensive optics to worry about for theft and more importantly no batteries to fail or worry about maintaining.
Not a terrible loss if stolen but I'd prefer not to lose it. It is something that I would have to carry in case I abandon my vehicle and would significantly reduce my ability to maintain grayman status. But the upside is the additional firepower and capability it would provide, ability to engage threat from a greater distance. Better for activism and traffic blocking protest type events. I have this setup already, it's just a matter of starting to carry it.
However, from previous experience, theft is a real possibility.
I usually carry this rifle setup when making long trips but not as my daily truck gun.
What say you?