EEllis wrote:
So cops legally come, because at that point the Mother was already aware and believed the officers were correct in having a warrant, to arrest your child for a major felony and because they don't show you a paper that they are not required to and wouldn't have on them under any normal circumstances and you say that "the fight would be on?" That is natural to you? Look I don't know maybe the cop over reacted and could of dealt with the Mother better but why in the heck would I assume the cop was in the wrong and if you think fighting the cops is so natural then why would you assume she stood there and in no way obstructed the police and just asked for a warrant? How do you know how long the cop may have spent trying to talk this lady down? You decided how you wanted the story to go the populated it with assumptions and strawmen.
So someone shows up at your door demanding your 11 year old son, you would hand them over with no questions asked because they are in uniform? Producing a warrant is not unreasonable and protects everyone.
If it was me, I would be asking for a warrant, and proof of identity. Then upon such proof that they were not a goon squad pretending to be LEO's. I would be insisting that they do not question him without me or a lawyer present and I would be telling him not to say a word in the interim.
Remember this is an 11 year old, not a 16 or 17 year old. This is a child in every sense of the word. Can children still do terrible things, yes, but they are children and the parents of children have the responsiblity to see to their welfare. checking to make sure the people at your door have a warrant and really are LEO's is the minimum I would expect from a parent.
I am certain that if they had anything to charge the mother save face and to save themselves a lawsuit.....they would have charged her with something.