This is my .02. I think this is going to be bad for the admin...really bad. They cannot say "The president and everyone here had nothing to do with F&F." Then say "The president and his staff had nothing to do with the Bengazi dereliction of duty and cover up." Then say "No one in our administration knew anything about the IRS directives" Then say "no one in our administration had anything to do with wiretapping the AP." Someone is going to ask if they are absent with out leave for all of these things...what are we paying these idiots for!
Obama is one slick snake, but you cannot say with any amount of credibility that as president you and your staff knew nothing about any of this. I think Obama could get out of F&F, Bengazi was going to be a stretch, but he was going to try dump it on Hillary, Susan Rice, and a speech writer. Add on the IRS and the AP wire tapping-- now all four scandals will come down on his head. His only defense now, is that he is an empty shirt in which case he should be tossed out for not doing his job.
Couldn't happen to more deserving people.