G26ster wrote:Looking ahead to 2016 is certainly something to think about, but it pales by comparison to 2014. In order to achieve his agenda, the POTUS MUST flip the House Democratic. That's his goal at this point, to make the Republicans so distasteful to the public, that they win the 17 needed House seats in 2014. Public pain in the short term doesn't matter to the Dems, in fact it's important, because in the longer term, if they flip the House, they own the gov't lock, stock, and barrel (no pun). That's the only way to achieve their agenda. If the Republicans can hold the House, then they will be blocked. Lose the House, and all is lost. I would be more concerned on who the Republicans are running in House and Senate races in 2014 at this point, than with 2016.
I think this is an excellent deduction of the situation we face now. One election at a time folks.