TexasGal wrote:Best to leave cats alone. They have special angels looking out for them. I learned that as a child. My mom loved cats and fed all the strays. My dad hated cats and liked to see if the dogs could catch them before they made it up the trees.
When I was about 6, my dad had a car he really liked. In the hot Texas summers, he liked to leave the windows down when it was parked at our house. That heat often ruined the dashboard and upholstery materials of the time. One day he found a cat inside comfortably sleeping and ran him out. The next day, the cat was back and sprawled out sleeping on the back seat. My dad decided he would change that cat's idea of a good place to sleep. He had rigged up the equivalent of an electric cattle prod and had me go get it. He slowly reached in to touch that sleeping cat. Well, that cat left an endless stream of liquid kitty poo as he frantically ran circles around the inside of my dad's car. Most of the cloth upholstery was covered. After that, my dad left the windows down just to let some of the stench out that became a permanent perfume in that car. Never saw the cat in there again though.

OMG I about died laughing--yes yes leave the cats alone!