I have a PM9 and feel the same way. It is a small tight gun and needs to be handled as such. I've put over 900 rounds through mine and it just swallows the ammo now. I know when to clean it to keep it maintained. It starts to get finiky at about 180 rounds.Excaliber wrote:
FWIW, my PM40 took about 200 rounds to break in to the point of zero malfunctions. How much of that was Kahr's fault and how much was mine is hard to say because many of the malfunctions were due to collisions between parts of my big mitts and the little controls on the pistol.
My newer PM45 took about 50, quite possibly due to the fact that I've gotten the grip adjustment techniques for the little Kahrs down to a habit.
I replaced my Glock 27 with it. I never even considered that the Glock wouldn't be reliable and didn't worry about a cleaning schedule. The Kahr is quite a bit smaller and I have to baby it a bit more but it is worth it.