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by warhorse10_9
Fri May 20, 2011 2:42 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

baldeagle wrote:
warhorse10_9 wrote:baldeagle, I completely understand how upset you are, I am upset to. Instead of taking out your frustration on Senator Wentworth or other people who actually supported the bill the entire time. I would look at the people who didn't.
Why? There will always be opposition. Supporters aren't really supporters if they can't get it done. Results are what matter, not rhetoric. And the Republicans have utterly failed at producing results. Why, then, should they get a pass?
Again, I will bring up the point of the tables being turned. Are you saying that in the event the Republicans had a minority of seats that you would vote them out of office since they couldn't pass the legislation you wanted.

Senator Wentworth and other supporters did all they could to pass this legislation given the circumstances. You cannot stall the entire legislative session for one piece of legislation.
by warhorse10_9
Fri May 20, 2011 1:35 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

baldeagle wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Sen. Wentworth is neither. The result would have been the same if SB5 have passed with campus-carry. The core germane rule was not the problem; the problem is the House rule against two totally different subject matters in the same bill. Although some portions of campus-carry were germane, it required extensive amendments to the Penal Code as well as amendments to Chp. 411 of the Gov't Code. Folks, when the two Senators went back on their word and didn't support suspending the rules to bring up SB354, then everything thereafter was Plan B, Plan C, . . .
Then Senator Wentworth is the worst kind of cynic. He never should have amended SB 5 and SB 1581 if he KNEW they would never make it through the House. He should have admitted defeat or continued to work to get the 21 votes.
I understand you are upset with the outcome; so am I. But you don't have a clue what you are saying or what else was being attempted. It was not a dead issue when campus-carry was as added to SB5 or SB1581. An attempt was made to make it work, but it failed. This happened to us last session when Tommy Merritt was chairman of the House Public Safety Committee. We had to add things to the DPS sunset bill to get them passed.

Sen. Wentworth has been a strong supporter of gun owners and he's been a champion of campus-carry for two sessions.

Charles, I understand that you have to work with these jerks and so you can't say anything bad about them. I can. I'm a citizen of this state, and I deserve fair and open representation. Bills should get fair and open debate on the floor of the chamber, not back room deals and secret meetings and shenanigans with rules that we the citizens are not privy to.

We elected an overwhelming number of Republicans this last election. We SHOULD have gotten our issues passed. We didn't. That says all that I need to know about politics and the legislature. It's a foul, stinking mess of stuff not worthy of a republic and it needs to be overhauled if the people are ever to have their rights restored. The people who serve in the legislature should be embarrassed to show their faces in public after participating in this farce.

I won't be following any more of this. It invokes the gag reflex. How you can stand to be intimately involved in it is beyond me.
baldeagle, I completely understand how upset you are, I am upset to. Instead of taking out your frustration on Senator Wentworth or other people who actually supported the bill the entire time. I would look at the people who didn't. It seems to me the only people to be mad at are the turncoats in the senate, as well as the House calendars committee and Speaker Straus. I am primarily mad at Speaker Straus, he chose to sustain the POO thus defeating campus carry. He chose to listen to the hoards of out of state callers rather than his own constituents. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at him and not Senator Wentworth, he did all he could. Taking the campus carry provisions off of SB 5 was just him being reasonable, as at that point they were attached to another bill. Also, as Charles said earlier, SB5 probably would have fallen to the 2-subject rule as well.
Like I said, I too am very frustrated, but we should put blame on those who have actually done us wrong and not those who are fighting to support our rights.
Also on the issue of the 2/3 rule in the senate I ask you to remember one principle: Majority Rule, Minority Rights. Though the 2/3 rule in the senate is irritating, how would you feel if the tables were turned?
by warhorse10_9
Tue May 17, 2011 1:39 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

RPB wrote:Appropriations committee minutes ... 308301.HTM" onclick=";return false;
The chair laid out SB 1581.
The chair offered a complete committee substitute.
The committee substitute was adopted without objection.
(Representative McClendon now present.)

Representative Patrick, Diane offered an amendment to the committee substitute.
The amendment failed by the following record vote:

Unless I'm wrong ...

So the House will be voting on the substitute tomorrow (still containing Campus Carry) ... 01581H.htm" onclick=";return false;
Then, since the House made a complete substitute ... it will need to go back to the Senate, to see if Ogden's group approves, or if they need a conference committee. ... eturn.html" onclick=";return false;

and ... oncom.html" onclick=";return false;
C.S.S.B. 1581 omits provisions included in the original relating to certain administrative matters concerning institutions of higher education; fiscal matters concerning certain distributions to institutions of higher education; and a fee on nonsettling manufacturers of tobacco products.

C.S.S.B. 1581 contains provisions not included in the original changing the payment periods for certain installments of the foundation school fund to category 2 and category 3 school districts. The substitutes contains a provision not included in the original excepting such payments from the requirement that previously unpaid additional funds from prior years owed to a district be paid to the district together with the September payment of the current year entitlement and specifying that the requirement applies to fiscal years. The substitute contains a provision not included in the original repealing Section 466.355(c), Government Code, requiring the comptroller of public accounts to estimate and then transfer the required amount from the state lottery account to the foundation school fund. The substitute contains a transition provision not included in the original.

C.S.S.B. 1581 contains a provision not included in the original authorizing, for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2013, only, the amount of the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas to be less than the amount contributed by members during that biennium. The substitute contains a provision not included in the original authorizing the state, for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2013, only, to contribute an amount to the retired school employees group insurance fund that is less than one percent of the salary of each active employee.
by warhorse10_9
Tue May 17, 2011 12:47 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

artx wrote:
RPB wrote:Today at 2 pm is the deadline for any amendments which can change SB 1581

Campus carry is very alive

Any Amendments to the bill must be turned in by 2:00 today (Tuesday) and they'll hear and vote on it Wednesday... then it will hopefully be sent to the Governor to sign.

So, today (and tomorrow) are pretty much the last chance to call/fax your Representative and tell him you're in favor of Campus Carry.


IF the House changes the bill ... it may have to go to a conference committee, where some Senators and some Representatives meet and argue in "conference committee ... (That's why it's important to call/fax Representatives ... If in conference committee the 2 chambers can't eventually agree ... the bill dies.)
The campus carry sections of the bill look very similar between what is coming to the house floor and the senate engrossed version.

However the house committee substitute version and the senate engrossed version of non-campus carry verbiage is much different - the senate version is about 3 times longer than the house version. Hopefully this isn't an issue, and that one of the amendments is to replace the house committee substitute with the engrossed senate version. (I guess as a taxpayer I should care about the other parts in the bill, the non campus carry parts, but I read through it and decided I didn't!)
I believe they removed SB5 in house committee.
by warhorse10_9
Sat May 14, 2011 9:53 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

Jasonw560 wrote:no drunken shooting binges
LOL, I had never heard it put that way. "Agghhhh I'm drunk I need to go shooting." lol
by warhorse10_9
Sat May 14, 2011 6:27 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

Ameer wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
artx wrote:I noticed the status now says:

H Scheduled for formal meeting on . . . 05/13/2011

What is a 'formal meeting' ?
The committee met this morning and it was voted favorably. Now to Calendars.
Do they have to schedule it or can Calendars kill Senate Bills like they did with House Bill 750?
Pretty sure calendars can't kill it, other parts of the bill are very important for funding of texas colleges.
by warhorse10_9
Fri May 13, 2011 12:35 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

RPB wrote: [ WHEW Smiley ]
Thanks warhorse10_9 :tiphat: .... about to double up on my blood pressure meds (j/k) :lol:

Well, Aycock's office heard from me anyway again "rlol" :smilelol5: "rlol" I think she understands where I stand :mrgreen:
He won't last long listening to 100 out-of-state people and 100 Democrats which didn't vote for him originally...but it's his career decision

Aycock's office did say he will cause a problem on the floor (in different words)
Dunno others positions ... nor the rest of the House.
Yeah, my blood pressure was going up to. lol

Looks like there might be a call to action to contact Aycock's office and express our support soon. I might call back this afternoon...
by warhorse10_9
Fri May 13, 2011 12:05 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

warhorse10_9 wrote:
warhorse10_9 wrote:I just called appropriations 1581 was passed out of committee with a committee substitute. I am trying to find out what is changed now.

Just called Aycock's office they are saying he was against the campus carry provisions and voted accordingly.

More updates coming.

Still calling people:
Ogden's office didn't know the status.
Wentworth's said they would call me right back.
Called back to appropriations
Campus carry is still on, it was NOT removed

Apparently it was a miscommunication earlier. They made no amendments to 1581, just passed it for substitution to 3639.
by warhorse10_9
Fri May 13, 2011 11:48 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

warhorse10_9 wrote:I just called appropriations 1581 was passed out of committee with a committee substitute. I am trying to find out what is changed now.

Just called Aycock's office they are saying he was against the campus carry provisions and voted accordingly.

More updates coming.

Still calling people:
Ogden's office didn't know the status.
Wentworth's said they would call me right back.
by warhorse10_9
Fri May 13, 2011 11:37 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

I just called appropriations 1581 was passed out of committee with a committee substitute. I am trying to find out what is changed now.

Just called Aycock's office they are saying he was against the campus carry provisions and voted accordingly.

More updates coming.
by warhorse10_9
Wed May 11, 2011 2:40 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: HB 3639 - SB 1581
Replies: 383
Views: 93901

Re: HB 3639 - SB 1581

RPB wrote:yeah it does ... it may reserve a place in line though opposed to never getting to it

I think i'll go grocery shop now :yawn
Yeah I closed the window as soon as 3639 was postponed. Back to research. :grumble

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