Openly: completely free from concealment : exposed to general view or knowledge.
Discernible: perceptible by the senses or intellect.
Reasonable: governed by sound thinking; rational.
If it is covered with something not easily seen through, you should be good to go. Guessing by general shape is not good enough. In this day of mobile heart monitors, external pacemakers, insulin pump, and other personal medical assistance devices, it is unreasonable to think a bulge in clothing is a firearm, short of it being accidentally uncovered or ALL of its outlines being clearly visible through form-fitting fabric. Reasonable doubt......
Now, I think that I could make a case that if someone caught a quick glimpse or thought your bulge might be a firearm, and upon being confronted by them, you said it was ok, you have a license, then, at that moment, you are no longer concealed.