Gunner21 wrote:the thing that struck me was the bit about pushing away the BG . Push and disarm.
My job does not allow me to chamber a round. This , frankly scares the crap out of me.
When Corporate is willing to take the life of an employee over the legal liability something is wrong.
question is.. How do I go about affecting change in a major corporation as a simple commissioned guard?
...practically, you don't...I would quietly disobey the rule and carry chambered...not saying anything about it to even a trusted friend...unless they pull inspections unannounced or you hand the weapon off to the next shift...that could get disastrous...
...if not practical to carry chambered, I would practice often racking the slide on your pantsleg (outside leg only) as the Israelis do...videos are on the may well have a door or flashlight in your "off" hand and not be able to use your hand to rack one in...
...corporations are idiotic in their rules...from what yours says to what I found out here a few months back...the armored truck pulled up in front of a grocery, and a guard with a bag in his off hand and his hand firmly grasping his holstered pistol all the way into the store, and back out to the truck...I called the company to complain about the unprofessional look, and was informed they are training their guards to do that any time they have a package in hand...go or I walk around like that and we'd be under the jail...