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by speedsix
Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:35 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 1911 4" vs 5" barrell
Replies: 20
Views: 2589

Re: 1911 4" vs 5" barrell there enough to get your fingers on??? I don't like short grips...and don't have a problem concealing full-sized guns...P90 or P97 is my primary...I just didn't see the need for anything shorter than a Combat Commander, but a lot of folks who have the "baby" 1911s love 'em...long as the hole in the barrel's's gotta be good...
by speedsix
Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:34 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 1911 4" vs 5" barrell
Replies: 20
Views: 2589

Re: 1911 4" vs 5" barrell

...after a short time with a WWI 1911(no A1), I bought a Combat Commander...satin nickel...pretty little thing...and carried that for about 6 years...if I bought another 1911, it'd be a 5" stainless...I like the balance and extra length...I was perfectly happy with the shorter barrel...had a rookie who had the Commander(aluminum frame) and was afraid of the recoil because it was lighter...we'd go out to shoot and he'd shoot mine...I loaded both and held them one in each hand with just thumb and forefinger holding them and emptied them into the target...asked him which one jumped up the most...he admitted neither...and enjoyed his Commander very well since that time...I've never fired a 3"...

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