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by speedsix
Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:43 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

...maybe we need a pre-teen forum for those who don't want to play nice...the ability to carry on a heated, passionate discussion with civility and continue to actually contribute to all present does require some level of maturity...once again, we need to be able to disagree without becoming downright the dip tastes funny...and we were having such a good time...
by speedsix
Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:41 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

...and a good day was had by ALMOST all... :clapping:
by speedsix
Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:42 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

M2K wrote:
speedsix wrote:, he was absolutely WAS theft rather than robbery by only quoted PART of what the act of robbery is...when you read the REST of the definition, then you have the explanation for why the charges were upgraded to aggravated robbery...which it WASN'T before she got stupid and climbed their car...the rest of the definition is part of the definition...and can't be ignored, if you want to understand what happened and why a theft turned into a robbery...after she intervened...
It doesn’t really matter as their actions are taken as a whole. Plus, it is now a felony charge instead of just petty theft. Yippee! :thumbs2:

Opinions may vary on what actions should have been taken by any person in any situation. A crime was apparently committed and only 1 honorable person took some type of action in this situation. There may have been more people willing to help but they may not have understood the situation. Without some type of verbal acknowledgment of rape, thieves, etc., one could easily assume it is a domestic dispute where the lady is taking it out on the husbands/friends car.

From the thieves’ calm demeanor and actions, I would not be surprised if they had not done this deed before and went unchallenged. DOES really matter that at the time, it was only a theft...then when she lost all her good sense, it escalated to a felony...where the yippee is in that...will be your little secret...she made the situation worse, not better, by being stupid...they played along with her and got in much more trouble than the theft charge they were to their prior history and accomplishments, we can only guess...
by speedsix
Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:35 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

Purplehood wrote:
speedsix gotta get up early, but it CAN be done...he don't wear no cape...nor pointed booties...
I wear them during my off-hours, but still don't get any recognition. :???:
...uh, might we soon see a new atavar, I mean avatar...I mean attaboy...PICTURE for you...???
by speedsix
Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:31 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

M2K wrote:
Keith B wrote:
M2K wrote:This woman did the right thing for the right reasons. Her methods may be questioned but not her stance on the issue. The real question is why did none of the other nearby people jump in to help? Did she not yell thief? Or if she did, did the other shoppers just ignore the situation as most “worried about my own self preservation” people would.

Secondly, it’s not what was stolen but the fact a robbery occurred. To some people beer is dog gone important especially if it is MGD. In some households it is the main meal to be consumed with great gusto.
There was no robbery, just theft (shoplifting.) There was no threat of injury or to life, and since it was only theft in the daytime, she would not have been able to use a CHL to stop it. And, I don't care how important beer or any other minor property is (televisions, stereos, food, etc.) she put herself in danger when she tried to intervene as she did. Yelling, following to ge descriptions of them and vehicle, etc. would have been fine, but dancing on their car was way overboard.


You are possibly correct in stating that it was theft rather than robbery in the legal sense because the act of robbery is taking or attempting to take something of value by force or intimidation. I don’t know if someone was in fear.

I totally disagree with the rest of your position. :tiphat:, he was absolutely WAS theft rather than robbery by only quoted PART of what the act of robbery is...when you read the REST of the definition, then you have the explanation for why the charges were upgraded to aggravated robbery...which it WASN'T before she got stupid and climbed their car...the rest of the definition is part of the definition...and can't be ignored, if you want to understand what happened and why a theft turned into a robbery...after she intervened...
by speedsix
Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:50 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise gotta get up early, but it CAN be done...he don't wear no cape...nor pointed booties...
by speedsix
Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:53 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

...there was no danger to human life/health before she intervened to "express herself"...she escalated the situation foolishly and not only endangered herself, but anyone else on the parking lot, should they have peeled out to get this crazy woman off their car...we had a waitress at a restaurant near here jump on a car to try to stop a carful of "guests" from beating a restaurant bill...they peeled out...and she fell off and died...over a food is dangerous, common sense should be applied those who have it, anyways...Keith B was spot being legally correct and using common sense...
by speedsix
Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:06 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

rp_photo wrote:
WickedOwl wrote:I'll take being able to come home tonight over saving a multi-billion dollar corporation the price of three cases of beers any day.
I wonder if Walmart security would have been anywhere nearly as heroic to stop a customer car break-in?
...of course not...they're trained not to take aggressive action...BECAUSE it's not worth someone dying...theft is NOTHING compared to robbery or another crime that threatens the life or safety of a person...
by speedsix
Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:48 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: She meant well but her actions were unwise
Replies: 60
Views: 8056

Re: She meant well but her actions were unwise

...the girl needs to pray for wisdom...that stupid stunt could have easily cost her her life...

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