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by Mr.ViperBoa
Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:57 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7466

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

Jasonw560 wrote:There's 1 of 2 things I wish we could legally have in (or on) our cars to stop theft.

1), pressure-sensitive explosives (like James Bond's DeLorean in "Live and Let Die"), and/or

2), electrical current.

They would only try to steal a car once.
I remember reading a story once about a guy who rigged an airbag on the ceiling of his car and when the thief got in it blew straight down and broke his neck.
Not funny but I laughed anyway. :lol:
by Mr.ViperBoa
Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:01 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7466

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

I am so sorry to hear about your pistols. I have had a vehicle stolen before so I understand how you feel.
I am scared to death to leave a pistol in my car at all. I get so paranoid over wondering if someone is breaking in my car while I'm out of it. I think about getting a car vault but then what if they steal the car? They will have your piece anyway. The way I see it is if someone wants what you have bad enough they will get it.

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