twomillenium wrote:I wear IIIA body armor, doing a proficiency test outdoors or use a indoor range that does not use cinder block stalls, when multiple students are shooting. My wife was present when a student turned towards me, I was not close enough to stop her. Fortunately, it was a stove pipe issue, the student was warned and pulled from the line, I did instruct her more on safety and she passed later in a individual proficiency test. Wife freaked, as most would, I had body armour within 2 weeks, it stays in the truck. I also wear a body cam, almost all the time, but always when private lesson is given. I just tell the students that I use it to critic instruction methods. I recommend both to all and yes, it is hot during the summer or above 85 degrees.
BTW, I was once stopped and the LEO noticed the body armour in the back seat, which kinda of alarmed him. (I could tell by the conversation that followed) Since then I have added an instructor patch on front and back.
I am ok with the heat factor or being uncomfortable since it will save me from having any new holes in me ... do you wear a plate carrier or concealed armor... I have always tried to not make the shooting portion intimidating since people are already nervous shooting..... thanks for the info btw
Kinda surprised an LEO would care if you are a law-abiding LTC. I would think if you say i am a pistol instructor that would end his conversation
I am kinda leaning towards the plate carrier since there are so many options and ease of putting on and off....
I have been looking at the DFNDR armor, A Navy Seal that was instructing a munitions class I was in showed me the plate and it was super light and showed me one shot up protected well...